29 synonym groups for Schwäche

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Synonyms on the topic Schwäche


Feigheit, Schwäche, Zögerlichkeit, Unentschlossenheit, Angst, Furcht, Kleinmut, Weichheit, Unmut, Mangel an Mut, Schüchternheit, Unsicherheit, Zartheit, Empfindlichkeit, Anfälligke... [more]


feige, mutlos, schwach, ängstlich, unentschlossen, cowardly, schüchtern, zurückhaltend, unsicher, kraftlos, schwächlich, unheroisch, kleinmütig, zögerlich, unbedeutend, n... [more]


Feigheit, Schwäche, Zögerlichkeit, Unentschheit, Weich, Unsicherheit, Anfälligkeit, Mangel an, Schüchternheit, Kleinmut, Labilität, Zartheit, Unbeholheit, Mangel an Entschheit... [more]


suffers, weakens, deteriorates, declines, fades, withers, droops, wilts, pines, wastes away, decays, diminishes, dwindles, sags, falters, wanes, languors, slumps, ebbs, subsides, enfeebles, atrophies,... [more]

showcasing the inadequacies

highlighting the deficiencies, exposing the flaws, revealing the weaknesses, demonstrating the shortcomings, pointing out the insufficiencies, underlining the limitations, emphasizing the faults, illu... [more]

admitting the weaknesses

acknowledging the flaws, recognizing the shortcomings, accepting the deficiencies, conceding the faults, owning the limitations, confessing the weaknesses, recognizing the defects, admitting the faili... [more]

pointing out the drawbacks

highlighting the disadvantages, identifying the flaws, noting the weaknesses, pointing out the shortcomings, emphasizing the cons, underlining the negatives, exposing the downsides, revealing the limi... [more]

illuminating the weaknesses

aufdecken der Schwächen, enthüllen der Schwächen, offenlegen der Schwächen, bloßstellen der Schwächen, aufzeigen der Schwächen, herausstellen der Schwächen, en... [more]

soften the struggle

ease the struggle, alleviate the struggle, mitigate the struggle, lessen the struggle, reduce the struggle, relieve the struggle, diminish the struggle, lighten the struggle, assuage the struggle, all... [more]

make less intense

alleviate, mitigate, reduce, lessen, ease, diminish, moderate, soften, relieve, temper, allay, assuage, lighten, abate, soothe, dampen, weaken, mollify, palliate, decrease, tone down, dull, blunt, cal... [more]

considering the weaknesses

taking into account the weaknesses, taking into consideration the weaknesses, bearing in mind the weaknesses, acknowledging the weaknesses, recognizing the weaknesses, factoring in the weaknesses, acc... [more]

spotlighting the flaws

hervorheben der Mängel, aufzeigen der Schwächen, betonen der Fehler, herausstellen der Defizite, fokussieren auf die Schwachstellen, hinweisen auf die Unzulänglichkeiten, beleuchten der... [more]

highlighting weaknesses

highlighting the weaknesses, emphasizing the weaknesses, underscoring the weaknesses, spotlighting the weaknesses, drawing attention to the weaknesses, pointing out the weaknesses, showcasing the weak... [more]

pinpointing the deficiencies

identifying the weaknesses, detecting the flaws, spotting the shortcomings, recognizing the faults, uncovering the issues, diagnosing the problems, highlighting the deficiencies, revealing the gaps, d... [more]

makes less formidable

diminishes, reduces, lessens, weakens, mitigates, softens, alleviates, eases, moderates, tempers, tones down, attenuates, abates, mollifies, relieves, pacifies, soothes, calms, placates, appeases, def... [more]