11 synonym groups for Same

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Synonyms on the topic Same


holes, cavities, depressions, craters, ditches, hollows, indentations, excavations, troughs, wells, voids, gaps, chasms, abysses, clefts, fissures, ruts, furrows, grooves, notches, alcoves, recesses,... [more]


identical, indistinct, undifferentiated, unizable, same, alike, equivalent similar, twin, matching, uniform, homogeneous, congruent, analogous, comparable, corresponding, equal, like, parallel, synony... [more]

be identical to

match, correspond, be the same as be equal to, be equivalent to, mirror, resemble, be alike, be similar to, be indistinguishable from, be identical with, be a duplicate of, be a replica of, be a carbo... [more]

maintaining uniformity

standardizing, harmonizing, aligning, synchronizing, coordinating, regularizing, equalizing, balancing, leveling, normalizing, homogenizing, unifying, systematizing, streamlining, regulating, conformi... [more]


consistency, sameness, homogeneity, standardization, regularity, conformity, evenness, similarity, monotony, equality, uniformness, invariability, constancy, stability, coherence, congruity, symmetry,... [more]


slows down, reduces speed, brakes, retards, slackens, eases off, checks, curbs, reins in, moderates, diminishes, lessens, abates, slackens pace, loses speed, drops speed, decreases speed, winds down,... [more]


webby, filmy, gauzy, gossamer, misty, sheer, thin, translucent, diaphanous, delicate, flimsy, ethereal, wispy, airy, fine, light, transparent, insubstantial, feathery, floaty, tenuous, vaporous, hazy,... [more]


loosens, relaxes, eases, lessens, diminishes, reduces, weakens, abates, moderates, relents, softens, mitigates, alleviates, decreases, wanes, subsides, mellows, tempers, unwinds, decelerates, slows, s... [more]

lack of variety

monotony, sameness, uniformity, repetitiveness, tedium, dullness, boredom, redundancy, invariability, constancy, unchangingness, homogeneity, routine, predictability, unvariedness, staleness, banality... [more]


hinders, obstructs, blocks, hampers, delays, retards, stymies, thwarts, prevents, restricts, curbs, inhibits, restrains, checks, frustrates, interferes, stops, deters, holds back, slows down, bogs dow... [more]


synonyms, alternatives, counterparts, substitutes, replacements, analogs, parallels, matches, equals, correspondents, analogues