29 synonym groups for Round

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Synonyms on the topic Round

bringing to a satisfactory rounding off

completion, conclusion, finalization, finishing, culmination, wrap-up, closure, consummation, fulfillment, achievement, realization, accomplishment, attainment, wind-up, close, end, termination, resol... [more]

establishing a basis for

laying the groundwork for, setting the foundation for, creating a basis for, forming a basis for, building a foundation for, preparing the ground for, initiating the basis for, starting the foundation... [more]


ring, loop, round, disk, hoop, orb, sphere, cycle, circuit, circumference, perimeter, wheel, ellipse, arc, orbit, band, ringlet, annulus, roundel, corona, halo


earth, dirt, ground, land, clay, loam, turf, topsoil, humus, sod, subsoil, terrain, mud, dust, sand, gravel, silt, peat, compost, marl, muck, till, alluvium, sediment, fill, garden soil, potting soil,... [more]


swallows, consumes, devours, envelops, immerses, submerges, overwhelms, absorbs, inundates, floods, drowns, buries, covers, swamps, engorges, saturates, cloaks, blankets, smothers, engulfs


world, globe, planet, terra, sphere, orb, ground, soil, land, terrain, dirt, clay, loam, sod, turf, humus, dust, surface, crust, lithosphere, geosphere, mother earth, Gaia, the blue planet, the third... [more]

finding a balanced middle ground

Kompromiss, Mittelweg, goldene Mitte, Ausgleich, Balance, Mittelmaß, Gleichgewicht, Konsens, Ausgewogenheit, Harmonie, Mittelstellung, Zwischenlösung, Balanceakt, Mittelposition, Kompromiss... [more]


includes, contains, covers, embraces, incorporates, involves, surrounds, envelops, comprehends, encloses, entails, subsumes, embodies, spans, integrates, comprises, holds, engulfs, circumscribes, enfo... [more]


surrounding, encircling, encompassing, enveloping, enclosing, wrapping, bounding, confining, hemming in, girdling, encasing, sheathing, shrouding, cloaking, covering


surrounding, encompassing, encircling, enveloping, shrouding, enclosing, wrapping, swathing, covering, enfolding, embracing, hemming in, enwrapping, sheathing, cloaking, veiling, enshrouding, enrobing


reversal, inversion, turnaround, flip, switch, change, shift, reversion,tracking, regression, retrogression, return, backslide, relapse, undoing, annulment, cancellation, nullification, revocation, re... [more]


encirclement, surrounding, enclosure, enveloping, encompassing, wrapping, besiegement, blockade, investment, siege, containment, confinement, enshrouding, envelopment, enfolding, enwrapping, sheathing... [more]


hunchbacked, arched, curved, bent, bowed, rounded, stooped, crooked, hunched, cambered, convex, bulging, protuberant, raised, ridged, domed, vaulted, gibbous, kyphotic, knobby, knotted, knurled, lumpe... [more]

reach a balanced compromise

find common ground, strike a balance, meet halfway, find a middle ground, reach an agreement, come to terms, settle differences, find a compromise, negotiate a settlement, achieve a consensus, reconci... [more]

find a mutual compromise

reach an agreement, find common ground, come to terms, settle differences, negotiate a settlement, strike a balance, meet halfway, find a middle ground, reach a consensus, make a deal, come to an unde... [more]