5 synonym groups for Resolving

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Synonyms on the topic Resolving

assuaging the issues

Alleviating the issues, mitigating the issues, easing the issues, lessening the issues, reducing the issues, soothing the issues, relieving the issues, mollifying the issues, pacifying the issues, cal... [more]

mollifying the issues

alleviating the issues, easing the issues, mitigating the issues, soothing the issues, calming the issues, pacifying the issues, placating the issues, softening the issues, appeasing the issues, reduc... [more]

bringing to a resolution

settling, resolving, concluding, finalizing, ending, completing, closing, finishing, wrapping up, deciding, determining, adjudicating, arbitrating, mediating, negotiating, reconciling, solving, addres... [more]

determining the issues

identifying the problems, diagnosing the issues, pinpointing the problems, recognizing the issues, detecting the problems, analyzing the issues, assessing the problems, evaluating the issues, understa... [more]


rectifying, correcting, amending, fixing, resolving, remedying, redressing, mending, repairing, addressing, adjusting, setting right, putting right, straightening out, sorting out, settling, reconcili... [more]