75 synonym groups for Qual

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Synonyms on the topic Qual


Reife, Vollreife, Ausgereiftheit, Reifung, Fertigkeit, Vollkommenheit, Erntezeit, Genussreife, Reifungsgrad, Reifungszustand


quälend, schmerzhaft, leidvoll, unerträglich, peinigend, schrecklich, qualvoll, erbarmungslos, bedrückend, belastend, angsteinflößend, herzzerreißend, furchtbar, entset... [more]

third rate

drittklassig, minderwertig, schlecht, unbedeut, zweitklassig unterdurchschnittlich, lausig, schwach, geringfügig, unzulänglich, ungenügend, armselig, suboptimal, nicht empfehlenswert, u... [more]

Not up to scratch

nicht in Ordnung, unzureichend, mangelhaft, ungenügend, unzulänglich, unbefriedigend, unpassend, nicht akzeptabel, nicht ausreichend, nicht zufriedenstellend, schwach, fehlerhaft, suboptimal... [more]

Bottom Tier

niedrigste Stufe, unterste Ebene, unterste Kategorie, schwste Klasse, geringste Rangordnung, niedrigste Kategorie, untere Schicht, untere Stufe, schwächste Stufe, untere Ebene, niedrigste Klasse,... [more]

achieving a fair outcome

reaching a just result, attaining an equitable conclusion, obtaining a fair resolution, securing a balanced outcome, achieving an impartial result, realizing a fair decision, accomplishing a just outc... [more]

mitigating the disparities

Reducing the inequalities, alleviating the differences, lessening the gaps, diminishing the disparities, easing the imbalances, moderating the inequities, softening the divergences, tempering the disc... [more]

arriving at a fair verdict

reaching a just decision, achieving a fair judgment, coming to an equitable conclusion, determining a fair outcome, arriving at a just resolution, reaching an impartial verdict, achieving a balanced d... [more]


uniformity, consistency, regularity, smoothness, balance, symmetry, stability, steadiness, levelness, flatness, equality, equilibrium, harmony, homogeneity, parity, sameness, constancy, orderliness, p... [more]

sustaining the consistency of

Maintaining the stability of, preserving the uniformity of, upholding the steadiness of, ensuring the constancy of, keeping the regularity of, supporting the continuity of, safeguarding the coherence... [more]

diagnosing defects

Fehleranalyse, Fehlerdiagnose, Mängelerkennung, Defekterkennung, Schadensdiagnose, Störungsanalyse, Störungserkennung, Fehlererkennung, Defektanalyse, Schadensanalyse, Mängeldiagno... [more]

achieving parity

reaching equality, attaining balance, achieving equality, reaching balance, attaining parity, achieving balance, reaching parity, attaining equality

specifying the defects

Identifying the flaws, detailing the issues, outlining the problems, describing the faults, pinpointing the errors, listing the deficiencies, highlighting the imperfections, noting the shortcomings, s... [more]

finding the disparities

identifying the differences, discovering the variations, detecting the discrepancies, uncovering the divergences, spotting the inconsistencies, recognizing the distinctions, noting the contrasts, obse... [more]

calling attention to the disparities

highlighting the differences, emphasizing the inequalities, pointing out the disparities, drawing attention to the gaps, underscoring the imbalances, spotlighting the discrepancies, bringing to light... [more]