9 synonym groups for Pursuit

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Synonyms on the topic Pursuit

pursues the task

undertakes the task, carries out the task, performs the task, executes the task, tackles the task, addresses the task, handles the task, manages the task, deals with the task, engages in the task, wor... [more]

striving to obtain

endeavoring, aiming, seeking, pursuing, working towards, striving, aspiring, targeting, questing, chasing, hunting, gunning for, going after, setting sights on, laboring for, toiling for, fighting for... [more]

running after

chasing, pursuing, following, tailing, tracking, hunting, trailing, shadowing, dogging, stalking, hounding, seeking, questing, searching for, going after, hot on the heels of, on the trail of, in purs... [more]


searching, looking, hunting, pursuing, questing, exploring, investigating, probing, inquiring, scouring, examining, scrutinizing, delving, sifting, ferreting, tracking, trailing, foraging, rummaging,... [more]


striving, attempting, trying, working, aiming, seeking, pursuing, undertaking, laboring, struggling, toiling, exerting, venturing, aspiring, striving for, making an effort, going after, setting out, t... [more]

intellectual endeavor

mental effort, cognitive pursuit, intellectual pursuit, scholarly activity, academic endeavor, intellectual, mental pursuit, scholarly pursuit, academic effort, cognitive effort

scholarly pursuit

academic endeavor, intellectual pursuit, scholarly activity, academic pursuit, intellectual endeavor research, study, academic research, scholarly research, academic study, intellectual study, scholar... [more]


pursue, follow, hunt, track, trail, hound, run after, go after, seek, stalk, shadow, tail, dog, quest, search for, pursue relentlessly, give chase, pursue hotly, run down, pursue eagerly, pursue energ... [more]


dog, canine, pooch, mutt, cur, mongrel, pup, puppy, whelp, beast, brute, creature, critter, quadruped, tail-wagger, man's best friend, Fido, Rover, Spot, Bowser, guard dog, watchdog, hunting dog,... [more]