4 synonym groups for Proximity

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Synonyms on the topic Proximity

moving closer to

approaching, nearing, advancing towards, drawing near, coming closer to, edging towards, getting closer to, heading towards, inching towards, moving towards, progressing towards, closing in on, conver... [more]

getting closer to

approaching, nearing, coming closer to, advancing towards, drawing near to, towards, edging towards, closing in on, heading towards, coming up to, getting nearer to, inching towards, progressing towar... [more]


transient, fleeting, temporary, momentary, brief, short-lived, ephemeral, transitory, impermanent, evanescent, cursory, short-term, quick, swift, hasty, rapid, brisk, speedy, fast, hurried, flying, fl... [more]


neighborhood, area, locality, region, proximity, surroundings, environs, district, zone, sector, quarter, locale, precinct, territory, range, ambit, purlieu, nearness, adjacency, closeness