275 synonym groups for Promis

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Synonyms on the topic Promis

Peace Covenant

Friedensvertrag, Friedensabkommen, Friedensschluss, Friedensvereinbarung, Waffenstillstand, Friedensprotokoll, Friedensregelung, Friedensdokument, Friedensdeklaration, Friedensübereinkunft, Fried... [more]

Meet halfway

kompromissbereit, aufeinander zugehen, sich einigen, einen Mittelweg, sich treffen, sich verständigen, einen Konsens erzielen, sich arrangieren, einen Kompromiss schließen, sich zusammenrau... [more]

arriving at an acceptable resolution

reaching a satisfactory conclusion, achieving a suitable outcome, finding an agreeable solution, coming to a favorable decision, obtaining a satisfactory result, securing an acceptable agreement, arri... [more]

negotiating a diplomatic compromise

bargaining a diplomatic settlement, mediating a diplomatic agreement, discussing a diplomatic resolution, arranging a diplomatic deal, brokering a diplomatic accord, facilitating a diplomatic understa... [more]

Mitigating the dispute

resolving the conflict, settling the disagreement, alleviating the tension, easing the dispute, pacifying the argument, calming the quarrel, defusing the confrontation, smoothing over the discord, med... [more]

finding a conciliatory solution

reaching a compromise, finding common ground, achieving a settlement, reaching an agreement, finding a middle ground, resolving differences, finding a resolution, reaching a consensus, finding a peace... [more]

achieving a mutually satisfactory solution

reaching a consensus, finding common ground, coming to an agreement, achieving a compromise, a settlement, finding a middle ground, coming to terms, reaching an understanding, achieving harmony, findi... [more]

achieving a unified settlement

reaching an agreement, coming to a consensus, achieving a resolution, reaching a settlement, coming to terms, finding common ground, reaching a compromise, achieving harmony, reaching a consensus, ach... [more]

reaching an amicable solution

finding a friendly resolution, achieving a peaceful agreement, coming to a mutual understanding, reaching a harmonious settlement, arriving at a consensual decision, securing a cooperative outcome, at... [more]

coping with the disagreement

handling the disagreement, managing the disagreement, dealing with the disagreement, addressing the disagreement, resolving the disagreement, navigating the disagreement, confronting the disagreement,... [more]

settling the disparities

resolving the differences, addressing the discrepancies, reconciling the inconsistencies, harmonizing the variations, balancing the inequalities, equalizing the imbalances, rectifying the divergences,... [more]

mediating the differences

arbitrating the differences, reconciling the differences, negotiating the differences, resolving the differences, bridging the differences, settling the differences, moderating the differences, interv... [more]

reaching a compromise in the conflict

finding a middle ground, settling the dispute, negotiating a settlement, reaching an agreement, resolving the conflict, coming to terms, finding a resolution, achieving a settlement, striking a deal,... [more]

Harmonizing the issues

reconciling the issues, resolving the issues, addressing the issues, settling the issues, smoothing out the issues, ironing out the issues, aligning the issues, coordinating the issues, balancing the... [more]

finding common ground in the disagreement

Kompromiss, Einigung, Übereinkunft, Konsens, Verständigung, Annäherung, Ausgleich, Mittelweg, Konsensfindung, Harmonie, Einvernehmen, Übereinstimmung, Konsensbildung, Konsenssuche,... [more]