26 synonym groups for Prepare

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Synonyms on the topic Prepare


plan, intend, contemplate, consider, scheme, plot, devise, deliberate, think out, think ahead, prepare, arrange, design, orchestrate, strategize, foresee, anticipate, prearrange, preplan, lay out, map... [more]


alerted, cautioned, advised, warned, apprised, notified, informed, premonished, forewarned


ferment, concoct, infuse, steep, prepare, boil, simmer, create, develop, formulate, mix, blend, craft, produce, manufacture, distill, extract, percolate, macerate, decoct, steepen, soak, leach, draw,... [more]


prepared, ready, set, equipped, poised, conditioned, trained, groomed, prepped, braced, primed


practice, drill, train, prepare, go over, run through, work on, exercise, repeat, study, review, polish, fine-tune, perfect, simulate, enact, perform, recite, read through, walk through, go through, t... [more]

stock up

hoard, accumulate, amass, gather, collect, store, stash, pile up, lay in, lay up, provision, reserve, cache, save, stockpile, squirrel away, put aside, set aside, build up, keep, retain, warehouse, st... [more]

all set for

bereit, vorbereitet, startklar, gerüstet, fertig, einsatzbereit, gewappnet, parat, bereitgestellt, arrangiert, eingestellt, organisiert, ausgerüstet, bereitgemacht, vorbereitetet

is prepared for

ready-for, equipped-for, set-for, primed-for, geared-up-for, braced-for, poised-for, fit-for, conditioned-for, trained-for, organized-for, arranged-for, planned-for, prepped-for, all-set-for, in-readi... [more]


waits for, expects, anticipates, looks forward to, is waiting for, is expecting, is anticipating, is looking forward to


prepared, set, primed, equipped, organized, arranged, poised, fit, geared up, in position, on standby, all set, in readiness, raring to go, good to go, in place, at the ready, prepped, on the mark, st... [more]

be ready

prepared, ready, set, primed, equipped, poised, geared, on standby, all set, in position, fit, organized, arranged, in readiness, on alert, on the ball, raring to go, up for, good to go, in shape, in... [more]


alert, attentive, aware, vigilant, observant, sharp, quick, responsive, perceptive, mindful, conscious, prepared, ready, on-the-alert, on-the-lookout, on-guard, on-the-watch, on-the-qui-vive, on-the-b... [more]

be off the cuff

spontaneous, impromptu, extemporaneous, unplanned, unrehearsed, ad-lib, improvised, unprepared, on-the-spot, offhand, casual, informal, unpremeditated, spur-of-the-moment, snap, unstudied, unarranged,... [more]


readies, arranges, organizes, plans, sets up, primes, equips, conditions, trains, rehearses, readies oneself, gets ready, makes ready, readies up, preps, stages, braces, grooms, marshals, mobilizes, r... [more]


unprepared, unarmed, unready, unprovided, unfit, unqualified, untrained, unskilled, unfortified, unguarded, defenseless, vulnerable, unprotected, unstocked, unprovisioned, unequipped