13 synonym groups for Phrase

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Synonyms on the topic Phrase

questioning the ideas

challenging the concepts, doubting the notions, scrutinizing the beliefs, examining the theories, questioning the assumptions, interrogating the principles, probing the thoughts, analyzing the ideas,... [more]

idiomatic expressions

idioms, phrases, colloquialisms, sayings, expressions, figures of, turns of phrase, locutions, set phrases, fixed expressions, proverbs, aphorisms, max, adages, mottos, slogans, catchphrases, clich&ea... [more]


buzzword, slogan, motto, phrase, term, keyword, tagline, byword, watchword, mantra, catchphrase, shibboleth, password, cry, maxim, saying, expression, idiom, proverb, aphorism, dictum, adage, precept,... [more]

well-worn phrase

abgedroschene Redewendung, abgenutzte Redewendung, abgegriffene Redewendung, Klischee, Floskel, Gemeinplatz, Plattitüde, Binsenweisheit, Stereotyp, Phrasendrescherei, abgedroschener Ausdruck, abg... [more]


paraphrases, rephrasings, restatements, reformulations,wordings, rephrases, rearticulations, reexpressions, reinterpretations, reworkings, revisions, rewritings, recastings, rephrasing, rephrased vers... [more]

way of putting it

phrasing, wording, expression, formulation, articulation, manner of speaking, turn of phrase, way of saying, mode of expression, choice of words, diction, style, idiom, parlance, terminology, verbiage... [more]

way of saying it

expression, phrasing, wording, formulation, articulation, manner of speaking, turn of phrase, mode of expression, style, diction, idiom, parlance, locution, verbiage, terminology, language, speech, ut... [more]


expressions, phrases, sayings, idioms, terms, utterances, statements remarks, articulations, declarations, locutions

common saying

adage, proverb, maxim, aphorism, motto, axiom, dictum, saw, expression, phrase, truism, platitude, cliché, byword, epigram, precept, apothegm, slogan, catchphrase, watchword, formula, shibbolet... [more]


expression, wording, phrasing, articulation, formulation, idiom, locution, manner of speaking, mode of expression, style, way of speaking, diction, parlance, phraseology, verbiage, vocabulary, choice... [more]


proverb, saying, maxim, aphorism, dictum, motto, saw, axiom, truism, precept, epigram, expression, byword, platitude, cliché, apothegm, phrase, slogan, catchphrase


expressions, phrases, statements, articulations, utterances, declarations, wording, terms, constructions, compositions, phrasings, locutions, enunciations, renditions, representations, verbalizations,... [more]


phrase, term, wording, articulation, utterance, statement, declaration manifestation, representation, formulation, idiom, locution, diction, parlance, saying, speech, communication, conveyance, voicin... [more]