27 synonym groups for Petition

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Synonyms on the topic Petition

jumping to the lead

taking the lead, moving ahead, pulling ahead, surging ahead, taking charge, taking control, gaining the upper hand, seizing the advantage, moving into first place, taking the forefront

going back and forth

oscillating, fluctuating, wavering, vacillating, seesawing, swinging, teetering, tottering, shuttling, alternating, dithering, swaying, shifting, zigzagging, ping-ponging, yo-yoing, reversing, ricoche... [more]

gaining the lead

taking the lead, taking the initiative, moving ahead, pulling ahead, taking charge, seizing the lead, getting ahead, advancing, forging ahead, leading, taking control, moving in front, going ahead, ta... [more]

maintaining the lead

holding the lead, staying ahead, keeping the advantage, retaining the lead, preserving the lead, staying in front, keeping ahead, holding the advantage, staying on top, keeping the upper hand, maintai... [more]

recurrent issues

wiederkehrende Probleme, wiederholte Probleme, fortwährende Probleme, anhaltende Probleme, ständige Probleme, dauerhafte Probleme, kontinuierliche Probleme, immer wiederkehrende Probleme, si... [more]

making an appeal for

pleading for, requesting, asking for, petitioning for, calling for, seeking, soliciting, imploring, urging, begging for, entreating, beseeching, pressing for, advocating for, demanding, craving, yearn... [more]

enduring rivalries

long-standing conflicts, persistent rivalries, ongoing feuds, lasting enmities, continuous disputes, perpetual antagonisms, enduring competitions, sustained hostilities, unending rivalries, chronic co... [more]


associations, federations, organizations, alliances, unions, confederations, coalitions, consortiums, partnerships, groups, clubs, societies, networks, syndicates, circles, fraternities, guilds, order... [more]


rout, defeat, beating, drubbing, thrashing, whipping, walloping, hammering, pummeling, clobbering, shellacking, trouncing, spanking, licking, slaughter, annihilation, demolition, crushing, overwhelmin... [more]


pleadings, entreaties, supplications, appeals, petitions, implorations, requests, solicitations, prayers, urgings, importunities, invocations, adjurations, beggings

engaging in a challenge

competing, contending, participating, striving, battling, vying, contesting, challenging, dueling, grappling, struggling, fighting wrestling, clashing, confronting, endeavoring, attempting, trying, un... [more]


outpacing, surpassing, outstripping, exceeding, outdoing, outshining, overtaking, outmatching, outclassing, outperforming, outmaneuvering, outgunning, outflanking, outachieving, outcompeting, outdista... [more]


pleonasm, redundancy, repetition, reiteration, duplication, verbosity, wordiness, superfluity, circumlocution, prolixity, logorrhea, verbiage, overstatement, excess, surplusage,eness, long-wness, peri... [more]


repeat, retry, remake, redo, rework, revise, reattempt, reexecute, reperform, reprocess, reconstruct, recreate, renew, refresh, regenerate, resubmit, rehash, readdress, reestablish, reinitiate, reimpl... [more]


underpricing, underselling, lowballing, discounting, undercutting