11 synonym groups for Pending

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Synonyms on the topic Pending

Be up in the air

uncertain, undecided, unresolved, pending, unsettled, indefinite, undetermined, in limbo, open-ended, ambiguous, unclear, unsure, in question, in doubt, not settled, not fixed, not decided, not resolv... [more]

up in the air, not settled

uncertain, undecided, unresolved, pending, indefinite, unsettled, ambiguous, unclear, undetermined, open, in limbo, provisional, tentative, unconfirmed, doubtful, iffy, speculative, questionable, in f... [more]


expenditure, expense spending, disbursement, cost, out, payment, investment allocation, consumption,flow, charge, layout, overhead, price, budget, funding, outpouring, splurge, shelling out, payout, o... [more]

wasting fortune

Verschwendung, Vergeudung, Verprassen, Verpulvern, Verjubeln, Verplempern, Verlottern

not resolved

unresolved, pending, open, undecided, unsettled, undetermined, unsolved, incomplete, outstanding, ongoing, in progress, unaddressed, unclosed, unfinalized, unconfirmed, unclarified, unrectified, unrem... [more]


areas, regions, stretches, tracts, zones, fields, spaces, territories, domains, expanses, ranges, extents, lands, terrains, grounds, spreads, reaches, breadths, scopes, vistas, panoramas, landscapes,... [more]

not ready

unprepared, unready, unfinished, incomplete, undeveloped, immature, premature, unripe, unfit, unqualified, ill-prepared, half-baked, half-done, not set, not arranged, not organized, not equipped, not... [more]


spending, outlay, disbursement, expense, cost, payment, consumption, outgo, outflow, investment, charge, expenditure

lavish consumption

extravagance, luxury, opulence, prodigality, waste, excess, indulgence, splurge, extravaganza, profligacy, sumptuousness, lavishness, grandiosity, ostentation, high-living, spendthriftiness, overindul... [more]

spend money without caution

squander, waste, fritter away, blow, splurge, dissipate, lavish, throw away, burn through, misuse, deplete, exhaust, run through, prodigal, extravagant, improvident, spendthrift, profligate


squander, waste, fritter away, blow, splurge, dissipate, lavish, throw away, burn through, misuse, deplete, exhaust, run through, overspend, prodigalize, shell out, fork out, drop, splash out, go thro... [more]