24 synonym groups for Pause

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Synonyms on the topic Pause

Coffee break

Kaffeepause, Teepause, Erholungspause, Verschnaufpause, Snackpause, Ruhepause, Arbeitsunterbrechung, Entspannungspause, Genussmoment, Pausensnack, Erfrischungspause, Zwischenstopp, Auszeit, Pause

Takes a hiatus

nimmt eine Auszeit, macht eine Pause, legt eine Unterbrech ein, zieht sich zurück, paus, unterbricht, macht einen Break, nimmt sich frei, gönnt sich eine Auszeit, macht einen Stopp, nimmt Ze... [more]


cessation, termination, pause, stop, halt, respite, break, inter, discontinuance, suspension, relief, reprieve, abatement, conclusion, end, finish, closure, quitting, withdrawal, retreat, letup, lull,... [more]

bringing to a halt

stopping, halting, ceasing, ending, terminating, pausing, arresting, interrupting, suspending, discontinuing, concluding, finishing, breaking off, cutting off, stalling, freezing, blocking, stymieing,... [more]

temporary cessation

pause, break, hiatus, intermission, interruption, respite, suspension, lull, recess, halt, stoppage, breather, adjournment, moratorium, abeyance, standstill, downtime, layoff, time-out, cessation, int... [more]

temporary halt

Pause, Unterbrechung, Stillstand, Zwischenstopp, Zwischenhalt, Stopp, Rast, Ruhepause, Zwischenpause, Zwischenzeit, Atempause, Verschnaufpause, Unterlassung, Stockung, Aussetzung, Intermezzo, Zwischen... [more]


wait, hang on, hold tight, stay put, hang in there, bear with me, just a moment, one moment, give me a second, hold the line, hold up, sit tight, stand by, be patient, wait a minute, wait a second, wa... [more]

come to a halt

stop, halt, cease, pause, terminate, end, finish, conclude, discontinue, break, arrest, freeze, stand still, grind to a halt, draw to a close, bring to a stop, pull up, check, brake, slow down, decele... [more]

putting on hold

postponing, delaying, deferring, suspending, pausing, shelving, stalling, holding off, tabling, adjourning, rescheduling, procrastinating, pushing back, setting aside, freezing, halting, braking, stay... [more]

grinds to a halt

stops, ceases, halts, pauses, terminates, ends, concludes, discontinues, breaks, suspends, freezes, arrests, stalls, interrupts, checks, blocks, hinders, impedes, obstructs, curtails, restricts, limit... [more]


halts, pauses, stops, delays, interrupts, postpones, defers, discontinues, ceases, adjourns, freezes, breaks, recesses, holds up, puts off, shelves, tables, puts on hold, suspends temporarily, suspend... [more]

brings to a stop

halts, stops, ceases, terminates, ends, concludes, discontinues, arrests, interrupts, suspends, finishes, checks, curtails, freezes, blocks, stymies, stanches, quells, suppresses, stifles, extinguishe... [more]

brings to a halt

stops, halts, ceases, terminates, arrests, pauses, interrupts, suspends, concludes, discontinues, ends, finishes, checks, blocks, hinders, impedes, obstructs, stymies, stalls, freezes, curtails, quell... [more]

brings to a standstill

halts, stops, freezes, immobilizes, arrests, paralyzes, stymies, obstructs, blocks, hinders, impedes, interrupts, suspends, ceases, terminates, deadlocks, jams, chokes, stifles, stagnates, grinds to a... [more]


halting, stopping, delaying, suspending, interrupting, breaking, ceasing, hesitating, stalling, resting, waiting, lingering, idling, deferring, postponing, pausing