21 synonym groups for Optimierung

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Synonyms on the topic Optimierung

refines the task

verfeinert die Aufgabe, verbessert die Aufgabe, optimiert die Aufgabe, präzisiert die Aufgabe, klärt die Aufgabe, schärft die Aufgabe, konkretisiert die Aufgabe, überarbeitet die A... [more]

Using to the greatest advantage

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Making the best possible use of

optimizing, maximizing, utilizing, leveraging, employing, exploiting, capitalizing on, harnessing, enhancing, improving, refining, perfecting, advancing, developing, employing to the fullest, taking f... [more]

make things better

verbessern, optimieren, aufwerten, steigern, fördern,passen, verfeinern, heben, erneuern, reformieren, aufbessern, ankurbeln, intensivieren, vergrößern, erweitern, anheben, beleben, st... [more]

streamlines the tasks

simplifies the tasks, optimizes the tasks, facilitates the tasks, eases the tasks, smooths the tasks, expedites the tasks, accelerates the tasks, enhances the tasks, refines the tasks, improves the ta... [more]

simplifies the carrying out procedure

streamlines the execution process, facilitates the implementation procedure, eases the carrying out process, the execution process, the implementation easier,s the carrying out procedure, simplifies t... [more]

makes it more refined

polishes, enhances, improves, perfects, refines, hones, sharpens, betters, elevates, upgrades, fine-tunes, augments, advances, enriches, ameliorates, boosts, heightens, optimizes, embellishes, sophist... [more]

pinpointing the best approach

identifying the best approach, determining the best approach, selecting the best approach, choosing the best approach, finding the best approach, ascertaining the best approach, establishing the best... [more]

fine tuning

Anpassung, Feinabstimmung, Justierung, Optimierung, Verfeinerung, Nachregulierung, Feineinstellung, Kalibrierung, Feinjustierung, Nachjustierung

bringing to light the shortcomings

revealing the flaws, exposing the weaknesses, uncovering the deficiencies, highlighting the faults, pointing out the inadequacies, disclosing the limitations, bringing out the defects, showing the imp... [more]

identifying the best solution

finding-the-optimal-solution, determining-the-best-answer, pinpointing-the-ideal-solution, selecting-the-best-option, choosing-the-optimal-solution, identifying-the-optimal-answer, discovering-the-bes... [more]

makes the project more efficient

optimizes-the-project, streamlines-the-project, enhances-the-project, improves-the-project, boosts-the-project, refines-the-project, accelerates-the-project, expedites-the-project, advances-the-projec... [more]

simplifies the strategy

streamlines-the-strategy, clarifies-the-strategy, refines-the-strategy, optimizes-the-strategy, enhances-the-strategy, improves-the-strategy, eases-the-strategy, facilitates-the-strategy, simplifies-t... [more]


simplifies, streamlines, facilitates, expedites, smooths, optimizes, enhances, improves, accelerates, eases, assists, aids, supports, boosts, advances, refines, perfects, polishes, augments, betters,... [more]

streamlines the process

optimiert den Prozess, vereinfacht den Prozess, rationalisiert den Prozess, beschleunigt den Prozess, verbessert den Prozess, strafft den Prozess, effizienter gestaltet den Prozess, systematisiert den... [more]