11 synonym groups for Oppose

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Synonyms on the topic Oppose


opposing, protesting, challenging, disputing, resisting, dissenting, countering, contradicting, contesting, disagreeing, refuting, rebelling, defying, questioning, decrying, denouncing, disapproving,... [more]

refuse to adhere to

disobey, defy, ignore, flout, violate, break,avene, breach, infringe, disregard, neglect, reject, spurn, repudiate, renounce, abandon, forsake, shun, eschew, avoid, bypass, evade, elude, circumvent, s... [more]


neutralize, counter, offset, oppose, resist, thwart, mitigate, nullify, counterbalance, combat, defy, hinder, prevent, countervail, parry, annul, invalidate, cancel out, rectify, redress, correct, bal... [more]


disagrees, opposes, refutes, disputes, challenges, counters, denies, contests, negates, rebuts, disapproves, rejects, conflicts, differs, diverges, disclaims, disavows, repudiates, contravenes, gainsa... [more]


resist, oppose, challenge, confront, withstand, rebel, disobey disregard, flout, spurn, ignore, violate, contravene, thwart, outface, brave, scorn, repudiate, renounce, contest, counter, defy authorit... [more]


neutralizes, opposes, resists, thwarts, counterbalances, countervails, mitigates, offsets, counteracts, combats, counters, negates, nullifies, counterchecks, countermines, counterpoises, counterweighs... [more]


opposes, withstands, defies, combats, counters, repels, confronts, endures, fights, struggles against, holds out against, fends off, stands up to, refuses, rejects, balks at, obstructs, hinders, imped... [more]

inveigh against

rail, rant, fulminate, denounce, decry,, criticize, censure, attack, lambaste, berate, castigate, excoriate, vilify, revile, disparage, malign, abuse, reproach, rebuke, scold, upbraid, vituperate, obj... [more]

stand up to

resist, oppose, confront, defy, challenge, withstand, face, brave, endure, counter, combat, tackle, fight, meet, take on, hold out against, hold one's ground against, hold firm against, hold out,... [more]

dissent from

disagree with, oppose, object to, differ from, dispute, challenge, contradict, reject, resist, counter, take issue with, be at odds with, be against, be in opposition to, be contrary to, be in conflic... [more]


oppose, dispute, challenge, deny, refute, counter, gainsay, contest, rebut, disprove, negate, controvert, repudiate, confute, impugn, disclaim, reject, question, invalidate, nullify, annul, contravene... [more]