16 synonym groups for Offenbar

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Synonyms on the topic Offenbar

Reveal Itself

offenbaren, enthüllen, zeigen, preisgeben, darlegen, aufdecken, sichtbar werden, zur Schau stellen, zur Kenntnis bringen, bekannt machen, klarstellen, herausstellen, an die Oberfläche bringe... [more]

Made manifest

offenbart, sichtbar gemacht, deutlich gemacht, zur Schau gestellt, enthüllt, offenbar, klar gemacht, dargelegt, präsentiert, zur Kenntnis gebracht, ausgelegt, demonstriert, belegt, aufgezeig... [more]

be unveiled

enthüllt werden, offenbart werden, bekannt gemacht werden, aufgedeckt werden, enthüllt, offenbart, bekanntgegeben, präsentiert werden, zur Schau gestellt werden, sichtbar gemacht werden

revelatory discovery

enthüllende Entdeckung, aufschlussreiche Entdeckung, erhell Entdeckung, aufdeckende Entdeckung, entlarvende Entdeckung, klärende Entdeckung, enthüllende Erkenntnis, aufschlussreiche Erk... [more]

Seeks to Unveil

strebt an zu enthüllen, versucht zu offenbaren, will aufdecken, beabsichtigt zu enthüllen, hat das Ziel zu enthüllen, sucht zu offenbaren, plant zu enthüllen, will enthüllen,... [more]

telling the secrets

revealing, disclosing, divulging, exposing, uncovering,, betraying, letting out, spilling, leaking, confessing, admitting, sharing, broadcasting, publishing, announcing, proclaiming, declaring, making... [more]

becomes apparent, comes to the fore

emerges, surfaces, manifests, reveals itself, becomes evident, becomes clear, visible, comes to light, shows up, appears, materializes, comes into view, becomes noticeable, becomes obvious, stands out... [more]


disclosure, unveiling, revelation, exposure, uncovering, manifestation, announcement, divulgence, declaration, proclamation, broadcast, publication, presentation, display, showing, exhibition, illumin... [more]


admission, disclosure, revelation, acknowledgment, avowal, declaration, profession, divulgence, exposure, divulgation, concession, divulgement, uncovering, unveiling, announcement, proclamation, testa... [more]

becomes visible

appears, emerges, manifests, shows up, comes into view, materializes, surfaces, comes to light, reveals itself, is seen, is visible, comes out, is apparent, is noticeable, is observable, is perceptibl... [more]


disclosure, revelation, exposure, unveiling, announcement, confession, admission, broadcast, dissemination, publication, leak, divulgation, uncovering, proclamation, communication, divulgement, divulg... [more]

bringing to view

revealing, unveiling, disclosing, exposing, uncovering, showing, presenting, displaying, manifesting, demonstrating, exhibiting, unmasking, unearthing, divulging, illuminating, highlighting, showcasin... [more]

divulging the truth, reporting the truth

revealing, disclosing, uncovering, exposing, unveiling, confessing, admitting, acknowledging, broadcasting, proclaiming, announcing, publishing, sharing, communicating, divulging, declaring, manifesti... [more]

bringing the truth to manifestation

revealing-the-truth, uncovering-the-truth, exposing-the-truth, disclosing-the-truth, unveiling-the-truth, bringing-the-truth-to-light, making-the-truth-known, laying-bare-the-truth, bringing-the-truth... [more]


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