5 synonym groups for Nervousness

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Synonyms on the topic Nervousness

with unease

uncomfortably, nervously, anxiously, apprehensively, restlessly, tensely, uneasily, fretfully, worriedly, agitatedly, disquietedly, jitterily, nervily, skittishly

with anxiety

anxious, worried, nervous, apprehensive, uneasy, fretful, agitated, tense, on edge, jittery, restless, troubled, distressed, perturbed, disquieted, concerned, fearful, panicky, alarmed, uptight, jumpy... [more]

in a state of agitation

agitated, anxious, nervous, restless, uneasy, tense, jittery, fidgety, perturbed, flustered, unsettled, disturbed, troubled, worried, apprehensive, on edge, jumpy, uptight, frazzled, overwrought, disc... [more]

lack of confidence

insecurity, self-doubt, uncertainty, diffidence, timidity, hesitancy, apprehension, nervousness, unease, self-consciousness, shyness, reticence, fearfulness, unassertiveness, bashfulness, mistrust, sk... [more]

be fidgety

restless, jittery, antsy, fidgeting, twitchy, nervous, uneasy, agitated, skittish, jumpy, impatient, hyper, excitable, fidgety