16 synonym groups for Mental

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Synonyms on the topic Mental

core reasons

main reasons, primary reasons, fundamental reasons, key reasons, principal reasons, essential reasons, central reasons, chief reasons, basic reasons, crucial reasons, pivotal reasons, underlying reaso... [more]

aware of the detrimental impacts

conscious of the harmful effects, mindful of the negative consequences, cognizant the adverse impacts, aware of the damaging effects, conscious of the detrimental consequences, mindful of the harmful... [more]

ruminating on the mistakes

pondering, reflecting, contemplating, mulling over, brooding, dwelling on, thinking over, considering, deliberating, meditating on, chewing over, rehashing, reviewing, analyzing, examining, scrutinizi... [more]

aware of the detrimental effects

conscious of the harmful effects, mindful of the damaging effects, cognizant of the negative effects, aware of the adverse effects, conscious of the injurious effects, mindful of the deleterious effec... [more]

mental flexibility

Geistige Beweglichkeit, geistige Flexibilität, mentale Anpassungsfähigkeit, kognitive Flexibilität, geistige Anpassungsfähigkeit, mentale Beweglichkeit, kognitive Anpassungsfä... [more]


delving, probing, investigating, examining, analyzing, scrutinizing, exploring, dissecting, understanding, comprehending, grasping, uncovering, unearthing, revealing, discovering, penetrating, inspect... [more]


getting to the heart, getting to the core, getting to the essence, getting to the crux, getting to the gist, getting to the nub, getting to the pith, getting to the meat, to the kernel, getting to the... [more]

getting to the basics

back-to-basics, fundamental, essential, core, primary, foundational, rudimentary, elementary, basic, simple, straightforward, uncomplicated, plain, unadorned, stripped-down, no-frills, minimalistic, e... [more]

Diminish anxiety

reduce stress, alleviate worry, ease tension, lessen fear, calm nerves, soothe anxiety, decrease apprehension, mitigate unease, relieve distress, allay concern, assuage uneasiness, diminish nervousnes... [more]

moderate anxiety

mild anxiety, low-level anxiety, slight anxiety, minor anxiety, moderate worry, mild apprehension, moderate unease, mild distress, moderate nervousness, mild concern

Get to the crux of

get to the heart of, get to the core of, get to the essence of, get to the bottom of, get to the root of, get to the nub of, get to the meat of, get to the gist of, get to the point of, get to the sub... [more]

intellectual exercise

mental-exercise, brain-teaser, cognitive-task, mind-game, mental-ch, intellectual-task, brain-workout, cognitive-exercise, mental-puzzle, intellectual-activity, brain-challenge, cognitive-workout, min... [more]

mental alertness

awareness, attentiveness, vigilance, acuity, sharpness, keenness, perceptiveness, mindfulness, alertness, quick-wittedness, responsiveness, watchfulness, concentration, focus, heedfulness, observance,... [more]

mental sharpness

acumen, astuteness, intelligence, keenness, perceptiveness, quick-wittedness, sagacity, shrewdness, acuity, cleverness, discernment, insight, perspicacity, brilliance, alertness, nimbleness, smartness... [more]


intelligence, cleverness, brilliance, acumen, astuteness, sharpness, wit, sagacity, wisdom, intellect, smartness, perspicacity, shrewdness, insight, discernment, erudition, mental acuity, mental agili... [more]