65 synonym groups for List

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Synonyms on the topic List


Journalisten, Berichterstatter, Korrespondenten, Nachrichtenredakteure, Pressevertreter, Medienvertreter, Nachrichtenjournalisten, Reporter, Nachrichtenagenten, Publizisten, Nachrichtenmacher, Medienj... [more]


con, scam, swindle, cheat, fraud, rip-off, trick, dupe, deceive, bamboozle, hustle, grift, flimflam, shakedown, racket, con job, fast one, double-cross, take, fleece, hoodwink, bilk, gyp, snare, set-u... [more]


stealthy, secretive, surreptitious, clandestine, covert hidden, sneaky, sly, concealed, underhanded, furtive, elusive, discreet, quiet, unobtrusive, shifty, insidious, devious, masked, shadowy, privat... [more]

True to life

lebensnah, realistisch, authentisch, naturgetreu, echt, wahrheitsgetreu, anschaulich, glaubwürdig, originalgetreu, wirklichkeitsnah, faktisch, ungeschönt, unverfälscht, detailgetreu, le... [more]


Listigkeit, Tücke, Hinterlist, Schalkheit, Raffinesse, Finesse, Cleverness, Schlauheit, Verschlagenheit, List, Betrügerei, Täuschung, Kniffeligkeit, Schwierigkeit, Komplexität, Ver... [more]

News Commentator

Nachrichtensprecher, Nachrichtenkommentator, Nachrichtenanalyst, Berichterstatter, Kommentator, Analyst, Redakteur, Journalist, Rundfunksprecher, Medienkommentator, Nachrichtenmoderator, TV-Kommentato... [more]

subscribes to

abonnieren, sich anmelden für, sich einschreiben für, teilnehmen an, sich registr für, unterstützen, beitreten, akzeptieren, annehmen, folgen, sich verpflichten zu, sich anschlie&s... [more]


clever, cunning, sly, wily, shrewd, artful, devious, tricky, scheming, astute, resourceful, ingenious, manipulative, calculating, sharp, slyboots, foxy, canny, crafty-pants, streetwise, quick-witted,... [more]


listig, schlau, gerissen, raffiniert, trickreich, hinterhältig, verschlagen, clever, ausgefuchst, schlitzohrig, tückisch, betrügerisch, gewieft, scharfsinnig, intelligent, findig, we cl... [more]

enumerating the reasons

listing the reasons, detailing the reasons, specifying the reasons, outlining the reasons, itemizing the reasons, cataloging the reasons, recount the reasons, naming the reasons, identifying the reaso... [more]

enumerating the aims

listing the goals, detailing the objectives, specifying the targets, outlining the purposes, itemizing the aims, cataloging the intentions, enumerating the objectives, defining the goals, stating the... [more]

enumerating the causes

listing the causes, detailing the causes, specifying the causes, itemizing the causes, cataloging the causes, outlining the causes, identifying the causes, naming the, citing the causes, describing th... [more]

being attentive to the arguments

paying attention to the arguments, listening to the arguments, heeding the arguments, considering the arguments, focusing on the arguments, concentrating on the arguments, taking note of the arguments... [more]

paying attention to opinions

considering, heeding, listening to, taking into account, paying attention to, acknowledging, respecting, valuing, noting, regarding, observing, attending to, minding, contemplating, reflecting on, wei... [more]