6 synonym groups for Lethargy

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Synonyms on the topic Lethargy


lethargy, sluggishness, delay, tardiness, languor, idleness, procrastination, inertia, torpidity, dawdling, dilatoriness, unhurriedness, laggardness, pokiness, plodding, foot-dragging, lack of speed,... [more]

being lackadaisical

apathetic, indifferent, listless, lethargic, unenthusiastic, nonchalant, uninterested, lazy, sluggish, idle, passive, unmotivated, careless, negligent, inattentive, unconcerned, blasé, languid,... [more]


lethargy, inertia, torpor, languor, listlessness, indolence, sloth, idleness, apathy, lassitude, sluggishness, dormancy, inactivity, dullness, fatigue, weariness, heaviness, drowsiness, stupor, somnol... [more]


lethargy, sluggishness, inactivity, dormancy, inertia, apathy, indolence, languor, listlessness, stupor, drowsiness, lassitude, idleness, somnolence, torpor, fatigue, weariness, ennui, passivity, numb... [more]


lethargy, sluggishness, inertia, apathy, indolence, torpor, languor, lassitude, ennui, fatigue, weariness, drowsiness, stupor, idleness, passivity, inactivity, dormancy, tiredness, exhaustion, dullnes... [more]


drowsiness, tiredness, fatigue, lethargy, weariness, somnolence, sluggishness, exhaustion, lassitude, torpor