3 synonym groups for Krankheit

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Synonyms on the topic Krankheit


epidemics, eruptions, flare-ups, outbursts, explosions, surges, waves, bursts, upsurges, escalations, incidents, occurrences, breakouts, blasts, onsets, irruptions, manifestations, appearances, emerge... [more]


ailments, sufferings, troubles, hardships, woes, miseries, pains, distresses, adversities, torments, tribulations, maladies, afflictions, agonies, plights, sorrows, griefs, burdens, trials, predicamen... [more]

feeling not well

unwell, ill, sick, under the weather, indisposed, ailing, poorly, off-color, not oneself, out of sorts, queasy, nauseous, weak, fatigued, run-down, infirm, debilitated, peaky, unfit, unhealthy, bedrid... [more]