19 synonym groups for Körper

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Synonyms on the topic Körper

nether regions

intime Bereiche, Unterleib, Genitalien, Schamb, Becken, Geschlechtsorg, untere Körperregion, private Teile, Intimbereich, Unterkörper, Sexualorgane, untere Regionen, Schambein, Beckenregion,... [more]

adopts the role

assumes the role, takes on the role, plays the role, fills the role, steps into the role, acts as, serves as, functions as, becomes, takes up the role, embraces the role, inhabits the, performs the ro... [more]


corporeality, tangibility, materiality, substantiality, concreteness, embodiment, solidity, palpability, physicalness, somatic nature, bodily nature, fleshiness, substantialness, realness, touchabilit... [more]

living embodiment

personification, incarnation, epitome, embodiment, representation, manifestation, exemplification, avatar, symbol, expression, realization, actualization, materialization, quintessence, archetype, pro... [more]

be the incarnation of

embody, personify, exemplify, represent, epitomize, manifest, incarnate, symbolize, typify, illustrate, demonstrate, express, be the embodiment of, be the personification of, be the epitome of, be the... [more]

be the embodiment of

epitomize, exemplify, personify, represent, symbolize, embody illustrate, manifest, typify, incarnate, demonstrate, be the essence of, be the quintessence of, be the personification of, be the incarna... [more]


personify, incarnate, represent, exemplify, manifest, symbolize epitomize, materialize, actualize, express, concretize, typify, illustrate, demonstrate, exhibit, show, mirror, reflect, signify, stand... [more]


intangible, immaterial, incorporeal, metaphysical, abstract, ethereal, spiritual, nonmaterial, unbodied, noncorporeal, insubstantial, spectral, ghostly, supernatural, otherworldly, transcendental, non... [more]


excretive, eliminative, evacuative, secretory, purgative, diuretic, cathartic, emunctory, depurative, exudative


embodied, exemplified, represented, personified, symbolized, typified, illustrated, manifested, characterized, encapsulated, epitomised, mirrored, reflected, demonstrated, showcased, portrayed, depict... [more]


fit, muskulös, durchtrainiert, athletisch, gestählt kräftig, definiert, straff, schlank, sportlich


mouth, gob, yap, trap, kisser, maw, mug, chops, cakehole, snout, face, jaws, muzzle, beak, gullet, orifice, opening, pie trap, pie eater, pie slot


secretes, discharges, emits, expels, releases, ejects, voids, eliminates,ates, exudes, oozes, extrudes, passes, purges, sheds


ovoid, oval, teardrop-shaped, bulbous, bell-shaped, gourd-shaped, pyriform, drop-shaped, egg-shaped, elliptical, oblong, rounded, plump, chubby, pudgy, rotund, full-figured, curvy, ample, corpulent, s... [more]


shoulder blades, deltoids, upper arms, scapulae, traps, clavicles, back, pectoral girdle, acromion, humerus