10 synonym groups for Kälte

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Synonyms on the topic Kälte


unbarmherzig, gefühllos, kalt, grausam,los, rücksichtslos, seelenlos, unemotional, hart, unempfindlich, skrupellos, unmitfühlend, kaltblütig, unfreundlich, herzlos, gef

giving the cold eye

ignoring, snubbing, shunning, disregarding, neglecting, ostracizing, slighting, spurning, avoiding, bypassing, overlooking, sidelining, dismissing, excluding, cutting, freezing out, turning away, brus... [more]


shaking, quivering, shivering, shuddering, vibrating, quaking, jittering, wobbling, twitching, fluttering, trembling

becomes cold

chills, cools, freezes, frosts, ices, refrigerates, chills down, cools down, turns cold, gets cold, drops in temperature, cools off, chills out

becomes chilly

gets-cold, cools-down, chills, cools, turns-cold, becomes-cool, chills-down, cools-off


coldness, chilliness, frostiness, frigidity, coolness, wintriness, gelidity, nippiness, crispness, arcticness, glacialness, polarness, rawness, bitterness, iciness


cruelty, callousness, heartlessness, insensitivity, unfeelingness, indifference, ruthlessness, harshness, inhumanity, pitilessness, mercilessness, brutality, severity, remorselessness, unkindness, det... [more]


unfriendliness, hostility, unwelcomingness, coldness, harshness, unkindness, severity, austerity, remoteness, desolation, barrenness, bleakness, forbiddingness, sternness, grimness, aloofness, indiffe... [more]


chilliness, coldness, iciness, frigidity, coolness, wintriness, gelidity, nippiness, crispness, arcticness, glacialness, polarness


insensitivity, indifference, apathy, coldness, callousness, heartlessness, detachment, aloofness, unresponsiveness, numbness, impassiveness, stoicism, frigidity, hardness, inhumanity, unkindness, ruth... [more]