18 synonym groups for Jury

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Synonyms on the topic Jury

arriving at a verdict

reaching a decision, coming to a conclusion, making a judgment, determining an outcome, deciding a case, concluding a trial, rendering a verdict, delivering a judgment, issuing a decision, finalizing... [more]


renouncing, abjuring, repudiating, disavowing, recanting, rejecting, disclaiming, abnegating, eschewing, abdicating, relinquishing, forgoing, abandoning, forsaking, denying, disowning, giving up, quit... [more]


broken, shattered, cracked, splintered, fragmented, smashed, ruptured, split, busted, snapped, damaged, disrupted, fissured, cleaved, rent, severed, torn, disjointed, disintegrated, busted up, busted... [more]


hemorrhaging, hemorrhage, blood loss, exsanguination, bloodshed, bleeding out, bloodletting, effusion, outflow, seepage, discharge, flow, gushing, oozing, spillage, drainage, emission, leakage, transf... [more]


marked, marred, blemished, disfigured, pitted, damaged, flawed, injured, wounded, seamed, scored, scratched, nicked, gouged, dented, impaired, ravaged, mutilated, defaced, maimed, battered, bruised, c... [more]


bruised, injured, battered, hurt, damaged, wounded, black-and-blue, swollen, sore, marked, discolored, traumatized, harmed, impaired, afflicted, beaten, pounded, smacked, struck, hit, impacted, banged... [more]


injure, wound, damage, harm, bruise, ache, pain, distress, afflict, torment, agonize, lacerate, maim, mutilate, impair, break, crush, shatter, strain, sprain, tear, cut, graze, scrape, scar, scald, bu... [more]


scratches, abrasions, grazes, cuts, nicks,apes, scuffs, marks, scores, gashes, wounds, lacerations, incisions, slashes, tears, rents, rips, chafes, excoriations, lesions, injuries, damages, blemishes,... [more]


prick, bite, stab, twinge, smart, pain, burn, nip, tingle, hurt, ache, pang, jab, pinch, discomfort, irritation, soreness, inflammation, wound, injury, scratch, scrape, cut, puncture, prickling, sting... [more]


burst, broken, torn, split, cracked, fractured, shattered, severed, punctured, exploded, breached, damaged, rent, sundered, fissured, fragmented, disintegrated, disrupted, compromised, cleaved, ripped... [more]


disabled, handicapped, impaired, incapacitated, paralyzed, infirm, debilitated, weakened, maimed, lame, immobilized, restricted, disadvantaged, hindered, hampered, challenged, differently-abled, non-a... [more]


hurting, injuring, damaging, wounding, impairing, hurting,


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head injuries, brain injuries, traumatic brain injuries, TBIs, traumas, brain traumas, cerebral concussions, mild traumatic brain injuries, MTBI brain shocks, head impacts, cranial injuries, cerebral... [more]


injure, damage, hurt, wound, impair, bruise,im, mutilate,, cripple, disfigure, mar, spoil, ruin, destroy, devastate, ravage, sabotage, undermine, weaken, blight, tarnish, taint, infect, pollute, conta... [more]