7 synonym groups for Introduce

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Synonyms on the topic Introduce

brings up

mentions, raises, introduces, brings forward, brings to attention, brings to light, brings into discussion, brings into play, brings into question, brings into focus, brings into consideration, brings... [more]

brings into the mix

incorporates, includes, integrates, adds, introduces, blends in, merges, combines, assimilates, fuses, amalgamates, unites, joins, melds, entwines, weaves in, infuses, mixes in, embeds, intertwines, i... [more]

brings into the discussion

introduces, mentions, raises, brings up, broaches, brings forward, brings to light, brings to attention, highlights, points out, addresses, brings into play, brings into focus, brings into considerati... [more]

brings into the conversation

mentions, introduces, brings up, raises, inserts, inters, includes, incorporates, discusses, broaches, touches on, refers to, alludes to, cites, brings forward, brings to light, brings to attention, b... [more]

gets presented

is shown, is, is exhibited, revealed, is demonstrated, is introduced, is offered, is provided, is given, is unveiled, is showcased, is brought forward, is put forward, is laid out, is manifested, is e... [more]


familiarize, inform, introduce, notify, apprise, enlighten, brief, instruct, educate, advise, tell, make aware, let know, bring up to date, get to know, get acquainted, accustom, habituate, orient, pr... [more]

bring into play

introduce, implement, employ, utilize, apply, deploy, use, activate, engage, initiate, incorporate, instigate, invoke, launch, mobilize, put into action, put into effect, put into operation, set in mo... [more]