83 synonym groups for Informat

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Synonyms on the topic Informat

the specifics

the details, the particulars, the specifics, the nuances, the elements, the, the facts, the information, the intricacies, the aspects, the components, the characteristics, the points, the conditions,... [more]


entmaterialisiert, immateriell, nicht greifbar, abstrakt, entkörperlicht, entstofflicht, digitalisiert, virtualisiert, nicht physisch, nicht materiell


veröffentlicht, bekannt gemacht, publik gemacht, angepriesen, propagiert, beworben, herausgestellt, zur Schau gestellt, präsentiert, kommuniziert, propagandiert, reklamiert, angeprangert, zu... [more]

in the know

informed, knowledgeable, aware, enlightened, savvy, up-to-date, convers, familiar, wise, clued-in, hip, cogniz, abreast, educated, perceptive, sharp, astute, well-informed, in the loop, on the ball, i... [more]

Bring to notice

hinweisen, aufmerksam machen, zur Kenntnis bringen, bekannt machen, anmerken, erwähnen, zur Sprache bringen, ins Bewusstsein rufen, ins Gedächtnis rufen, zur Diskussion stellen, zur Einsicht... [more]

spilling the beans

verraten, enthüllen, preisgeben, ausplaudern, offenbaren, bekanntgeben, auspacken

brings to the public's awareness

highlights, emphasizes, underscores, brings to light, reveals, discloses, exposes, publicizes, announces, broadcasts, disseminates, spreads, communicates, informs, educates, enlightens, unveils, uncov... [more]

informing the public about the case

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revealing the arguments to the public

disclosing the arguments to the public, exposing the arguments to the public, unveiling the arguments to the public, presenting the arguments to the public, making the arguments known to the public, s... [more]

publicizing the statements

announcing the statements, broadcasting the statements, disseminating the statements, publishing the statements, airing the statements, promoting the statements, advertising the statements, spreading... [more]

disseminating the arguments

spreading the arguments, distributing the arguments, broadcasting the arguments, circulating the arguments, propagating the arguments, diffusing the arguments, dispersing the arguments, promulgating t... [more]

kept informed

updated, apprised, notified, briefed, informed, aware, in the loop, clued in, kept in the picture, kept posted, kept up-to-date, kept abreast, in the know, enlightened, advised, told, communicated wit... [more]

untrustworthy statement

lie, falsehood, fabrication, deceit, deception, fib, untruth, misrepresentation, falsification, prevarication, mendacity, canard, invention, tall tale, cock-and-bull story, fairy tale, whopper, yarn,... [more]

informed about the adverse effects

aware of the negative consequences, knowledgeable about the harmful impacts, informed of the detrimental effects, cognizant of the adverse outcomes, apprised of the negative repercussions, conscious o... [more]

elucidating matters

clarifying issues, explaining matters, illuminating topics, making things clear, shedding light on issues, elucidating topics, clarifying points, explaining points, making matters clear, illuminating... [more]