7 synonym groups for Inattentive

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Synonyms on the topic Inattentive

paying no attention

ignoring, disregarding, neglecting, overlooking, dismissing, out, brushing off, snubbing, slighting, bypassing, shunning, avoiding, spurning, rejecting, omitting, discounting, sidelining, passing over... [more]


oblivious, unaware, heedless, inattentive, unobservant, ignorant, unmindful, indifferent, neglectful, blind, insensible, unconscious, imperceptive, unseeing, unwitting, negligent, careless, thoughtles... [more]


unaware, ignorant, heedless, unmindful, insensible, inattentive, unconscious, blind, negligent, indifferent, absentminded, forgetful, unobservant, unperceptive, unwitting, careless, thoughtless, negle... [more]

be inattentive

distracted, heedless, negligent, oblivious, unmindful, careless, absent, absentminded, preoccupied, unfocused, inattentive, thoughtless, forgetful, unobservant, daydreaming, dreamy, scatterbrained


oblivious, heedless, inattentive, negligent, careless, thought, unobservant, unaware, indifferent, unconcerned, forgetful, neglectful, unheeding, unthinking, disregarding, remiss, unperceptive, insens... [more]


unreactive, uncommunicative, unyielding, uncooperative, unfeeling, indifferent, apathetic, insensible, inert, passive, nonive, unmovable, silent, mute, unanswering, nonresponsive, inactive, unengaged,... [more]


carelessly, recklessly, heedlessly, thoughtlessly, inattentively, irresponsibly, haphazardly, unmindfully, sloppily, incautiously, indifferently, remissly, nonchalantly, perfunctorily, unconcernedly,... [more]