5 synonym groups for Impairment

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Synonyms on the topic Impairment

unveiling the disadvantages

revealing the drawbacks, exposing the downsides, uncovering the cons, disclosing the negatives, highlighting the weaknesses, showing the flaws, pointing out the shortcomings, bringing to light the pit... [more]


corrupted, tainted, spoiled, impaired, marred, weakened, debased, contaminated, polluted, defiled, tarnished, degraded, adulterated, blemished, depraved, perverted, sullied, fouled, infected, flawed,... [more]


disabled, handicapped, impaired, differently-abled, physically challenged, incapacitated, mobility-impaired, infirm, debilitated, restricted, limited, disadvantaged, non-ambulatory, wheelchair-bound,... [more]


disabled, handicapped, impaired, incapacitated, paralyzed, infirm, debilitated, weakened, maimed, lame, immobilized, restricted, disadvantaged, hindered, hampered, challenged, differently-abled, non-a... [more]


handicapped, impaired, incapacitated, disadvantaged, differently-abled, challenged, restricted, limited, non-functional, inoperative, out of order, unable, unfit, immobilized, paralyzed, crippled, deb... [more]