12 synonym groups for Illness

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Synonyms on the topic Illness


unhealthy, frail, weak, ailing, feeble, delicate, infirm, unwell, debilitated, wan, pallid, peaked, puny, sick, indisposed, poorly, under the weather, peaky, fragile, languid, listless, enervated, was... [more]

chronic problems

persistent issues, ongoing problems, long-term issues, enduring problems, lasting issues, continual problems, perpetual issues, recurrent problems sustained issues, unremitting problems, incessant iss... [more]


weakness, frailty, debility, feebleness, ailment, illness, sickness, disease, disorder, malady, affliction, incapacity, disability, impairment, decrepitude, fragility, enfeeblement, unfitness, unhealt... [more]

green around the gills

pale, sickly, unwell, ill, nauseous, queasy, peaky, wan, ashen, pallid, pasty, sallow, unhealthy, off-color, peaked, bilious, haggard, peaked-looking, under the weather, not well, indisposed, faint, w... [more]


weakened, enfeebled, exhausted, frail, feeble, incapacitated, infirm, sapped, drained, worn out, debilitated, run-down, spent, powerless, crippled, impaired, disabled, diminished, reduced, under the w... [more]

be below par

subpar, inferior, mediocre, below average, second-rate, substandard, deficient, unsatisfactory, lacking, inadequate, poor, wanting, insufficient, unacceptable, not up to par, not good enough, underper... [more]


ill, sick, unwell, infected, ailing, unhealthy, afflicted, contaminated, unfit, indisposed, infirm, poorly, stricken, suffering, impaired, debilitated, unwholesome, pathological, morbid, unsound, sick... [more]


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bedridden, confined, incapacitated, immobilized, out of action, sidelined, unwell, indisposed, infirm, ailing, sick, ill, disabled, out of commission, on the shelf, down, out of service, out of order,... [more]


ill, sick, ailing, unfit, indisposed, poorly, under the weather, not well, infirm, unhealthy, weak, debilitated, feeble, out of sorts, queasy, nauseous, green around the gills, bedridden, down, off-co... [more]


ill, unwell, ailing, diseased, infirm, poorly, unhealthy, indisposed, under the weather, bedridden, queasy, nauseous, green, peaky, off-color, out of sorts, run down, weak, feeble, debilitated, afflic... [more]


silence, quiet, stillness, calm, peace, tranquility, muteness, noiselessness, soundlessness, lull, serenity, quietude, calmness, hushness, quiescence, placidity, restfulness, still, quieten, mute, shu... [more]