22 synonym groups for Hold

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Synonyms on the topic Hold


hold-up, robbery, heist, mugging, armed robbery, raid, theft, holdup, stick-up

keeps in custody

detains, holds confines, incarcerates, imprisons, restrains, locks up, takes into custody, jails, appreh, arrests, sec, seizes,, intern, rem, detains in, takes prisoner, takes, puts behind bars puts i... [more]

cutoff point

threshold, limit, boundary, brink, edge, verge, line, demarcation, dividing line, termination point, end point, juncture, frontier, margin, cutoff, break point, critical point, turning point, watershe... [more]


speed, swiftness, quickness, rapidity, velocity, haste, celerity, alacrity, fleetness, promptness, briskness, expeditiousness, nimbleness, agility, acceleration, hurry, rush, dash, hustle, sprint, gal... [more]


refrain, forgo, withhold, desist, renounce, shun, eschew, avoid, decline, refuse, relinquish, abjure, forbear, pass up, sit out, give up, keep from, hold back, stay away from, steer clear of

refuse to provide

withhold, decline, deny, reject, refuse, abstain, refrain, disallow, veto, prohibit, bar, block, obstruct, impede, hinder, prevent, stop, resist, oppose, counter, contest, repudiate, renounce, disavow... [more]


fortresses, strongholds, bastions, castles, keeps, bulwarks, redoubts, fortifications, bastilles, garrisons, blockhouses, donjons, palisades, ramparts, defenses, outposts, towers


possess, own, hold, retain, acquire, obtain, receive, gain, secure, procure, enjoy, experience, undergo, bear, carry, keep, maintain, wield, command, control, occupy, inherit, host, harbor, house, acc... [more]


stronghold, citadel, bastion, fort, castle, keep, redoubt, bulwark, garrison, fastness, blockhouse, donjon, palisade, rampart, bastille, hold, tower, stockade, fortification, acropolis, barbican, bast... [more]


home life, family life, household, homeliness, domestic life, home environment, domestic sphere, home affairs, domestic routine, home-centeredness, domestic bliss, home comfort, domestic harmony, home... [more]


strongholds, citadels, bastions, castles, fortifications, bulwarks, redoubts, keeps, garrisons, defenses, ramparts, blockhouses, bastilles, palisades, stockades, forts, outposts, entrenchments, barric... [more]


handling, brandishing, manipulating, using, employing, operating, controlling, maneuvering, directing, managing, exercising, applying, utilizing, gripping, grasping, holding, swinging, flourishing, wa... [more]


keeps, holds, preserves, maintains, secures, saves, conserves, upholds, sustains, withholds, reserves, clings to, possesses, continues, perpetuates, safeguards, cherishes, protects, remembers, stores,... [more]


shelf, stand, frame, holder, support, bracket, mount, hanger, storage, case, cabinet, unit, console, fixture, structure, platform, base, pedestal, prop, rest, cradle, scaffold, trellis, grid, lattice,... [more]


households, clans, kin, relatives, relations, kindreds,, lineages, bloodlines,, progeny, offspring, dynasties, broods, folks, kinsfolk, kith, connections, people, parentage, ancestry, forebears, stock... [more]