7 synonym groups for Herkunft

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Synonyms on the topic Herkunft


Geburtsorte, Herkunftsorte, Geburtsstätten, Heimatorte, Geburtsregionen, Geburtslandschaften, Geburtsgebiete, Ursprungsorte, Heimatregionen


adelig, hochgeboren, aristokratisch, vornehm edel, nobel privilegiert, gebildet vornehm, hochgestochen, elitär, königlich, herrschaftlich, standesgemäß, vornehm, distinguiert, ill... [more]

obtained from

derived from, sourced from, extracted from, acquired from, gathered from, collected from, taken from, procured from, received from, originated from, drawn from, secured from, attained from, gotten fro... [more]

rooted in

based-on, derived-from, grounded-in, anchored-in, established-in, founded-on, stemming-from, originating-from, sourced-from, built-on, entrenched-in, ingrained-in, embedded-in, fixed-in, connected-to,... [more]

derived from

originating-from, coming-from, sourced-from, stemming-from, resulting-from, produced-from, evolved-from, extracted-from, obtained-from, generated-from, arising-from, emanating-from, issued-from, devel... [more]


birthplace, origin, homeland, native place, provenance, source, starting point, cradle, home, roots, motherland, fatherland, native land, point of origin, wellspring, genesis, inception, native soil,... [more]

place of birth

birthplace, native place, hometown, origin, native soil, native land, home, cradle, roots, provenance, birth site, birth location, natal place, native city, native town, native village, native region,... [more]