28 synonym groups for Gras

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Synonyms on the topic Gras

Grassy field

Wiesenfläche, Grasland, Weide, Wiese, Grünfläche, Rasen, Wiesenboden, Grasfläche, Wiesenareal, Wiesenlandschaft, Wiesenregion, Weideland, Graswiese, Wiesengebiet, Grünland, We... [more]

Grazing Ground

Weide, Weideland, Futterplatz, Grasland, Grünland, Viehweide, Futterwiese, Weidegebiet, Weidefläche, Weidegrund, Futtergrund, Weidezone, Grasfläche, Weideareal, Weideort, Futterareal, W... [more]

comprehending correctly

understanding accurately, grasping precisely, interpreting correctly, perceiving accurately, comprehending accurately, getting it right, making sense of correctly, deciphering accurately, recognizing... [more]

gets hold of

acquires, obtains, secures, gains, procures, captures, seizes, grasps, snatches, takes, appropriates, catches, collects, garners, amasses, attains, achieves, wins, lands, nabs, bags, fetches, picks up... [more]

comprehending the nuances

Understanding the subtleties


pasture, grassland, prairie, meadow, steppe, savanna,, moorland, heath, grazing land, pastureland, range, open range, grazing area, pasture ground, grazing field, pasture field, grazing pasture, grazi... [more]


lawn, grass, turf, sward, greens, meadow, pasture, field, sod, verdure, green, herbage, lea, prairie, steppe, veld, savanna, moor, downs, paddock, glade, clearing, parkland, common, greenbelt, pasture... [more]


clarification, elucidation, explanation, interpretation, explication, illumination demystification, simplification, exposition, decoding, translation, unraveling,, decryption, enlightenment, understan... [more]

getting a hold on

grasping, understanding, comprehending, mastering, seizing, capturing, acquiring, obtaining, gaining, securing, controlling, managing, handling, apprehending, perceiving, realizing, recognizing, fatho... [more]


grabs, takes, captures, apprehends, clutches, snatches, grasps, confiscates, appropriates, secures, usurps, commandeers, annexes, occupies, claims, procures, acquires, wrests, detains, arrests, interc... [more]


struggles, wrestles, grapples with, contends, tussles, battles, fights, wrangles, scuffles, clashes, engages, confronts, wrestles with, deals with, handles, manages, copes with, tackles, addresses, fa... [more]


comprehend, grasp, perceive, apprehend, fathom, discern, recognize, realize, know, appreciate, interpret, get, see, follow, catch, make sense of, figure out, get the hang of, get the picture, get the... [more]


terrible, awful, dreadful, appalling, ghastly,ous, shocking, frightful atrocious, monstrous, gruesome, horrific, horrifying, abominable, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, vile, disgusting, sickening, n... [more]

taking hold of

grasping, seizing, grabbing, clutching, gripping, snatching, holding, capturing, clasping, apprehending, catching, acquiring, obtaining, securing, getting, gaining, procuring, appropriating, annexing,... [more]

getting the drift

understanding, comprehending, grasping, catching on, following, perceiving getting the idea, realizing, recognizing, seeing, cottoning on, figuring out, making sense of, getting the picture, appreciat... [more]