7 synonym groups for Gesture

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Synonyms on the topic Gesture

giving the thumbs down

disapproving, rejecting, condemning, criticizing, denouncing, vetoing, dismissing, spurning, rebuffing, nixing, negating, opposing, disallowing, refusing, repudiating, renouncing, decrying, censuring,... [more]


respect, admiration, veneration, deference, homage, esteem, honor, awe, regard, worship, adulation, revering, idolization, glorification, devotion, piety, obeisance, submission, subservience, dutifuln... [more]

gives the thumbs up

approves, endorses, supports, agrees, consents, accepts, authorizes, sanctions, ratifies, validates, confirms, affirms, assents, concurs, backs, favors, blesses, greenlights, okays, permits, allows, n... [more]


movement, action, gesture, activity, locomotion, mobility, maneuver, operation, progression, flow, transit, travel, shift, change, move, dynamics, kinesis, stir, agitation, oscillation, swing, vibrati... [more]


eloquent, articulate, vivid, demonstrative, meaningful, revealing, communicative, illustrative, significant, suggestive, poignant, graphic, emotive, telling, forceful,, powerful, moving, stirring, evo... [more]


movements, gestures, actions, maneuvers, activities, operations, movements,, changes, transitions, motions


motions, signs, signals, movements, actions, indications, expressions, cues, body language, postures, mannerisms, gestures