4 synonym groups for Geneigt

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Synonyms on the topic Geneigt


inclined, willing, ready, prepared, amenable, eager, prone, apt, favorable, receptive, agreeable, keen, enthusiastic, in the mood, minded, set, determined, bent, liable, predisposed, partial, suscepti... [more]


inclined, slanting, tilted, angled, gradient, leaning, oblique, pitched, skewed, canted, banked, graded, ramped, rising, descending, declining, dipping, falling, heeling, shelving, sloping, tipping, v... [more]


unwilling, reluctant, hesitant, averse, disinclined, unenthusiastic, resistant, opposed, unprepared, unready, uninclined, indisposed, unamenable, uncooperative, unresponsive, unyielding, recalcitrant,... [more]

not keen to

unwillig, abgeneigt, widerwillig, desinteriert, unmotiviert, lustlos, unenthusiastisch, zurückhaltend, reserviert, zögerlich, skeptisch, ablehnend, unaufgeschlossen, unentschlossen, unbeeind... [more]