20 synonym groups for Funk

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Synonyms on the topic Funk

takes up the function of

übernimmt die Funktion von, übernimmt die Rolle von, fungiert als, agiert als, spielt die Rolle von, hat die Funktion von, ist zuständig für, wirkt als, übernimmt die Aufgabe... [more]


glitzern, schimmern, funkeln, blitzen, strahlen, glimmern, leuchten, glänzen, flimmern, reflektieren, schillern, glühen


nicht linear, nicht geradlinig, nicht proportional, nicht gleich, nicht konstant, nicht, nicht linearisiert, nicht linear abgebildet, nicht linearer Zusammenhang, nicht linearer Verlauf


glänzend, schimmernd, funkelnd, strahlend,itzernd, leuchtend, blitzend, schillernd, reflektierend, glanzvoll, strahlend, flimmernd, schimmerhaft, glanzend

takes the place of

ersetzt, tritt an die Stelle von, übernimmt, substitert, steht an von, nimmt den Platz ein, ersetzt ersetzt

distributing the arguments

allocating the arguments, assigning the arguments, apportioning the arguments, dividing the arguments, sharing the arguments, spreading the arguments, parceling out the arguments, dispensing the argum... [more]

occupies the role

fills the position, holds the role, assumes the role, takes on the role, serves in the role, acts in the role, performs the role, functions in the role, operates in the role, fulfills the role, discha... [more]

takes up the functions

Assumes the roles, undertakes the duties, takes on the responsibilities, assumes the responsibilities, takes over the functions, assumes the functions, takes on the roles, assumes the duties, takes ov... [more]

highlighting features

emphasizing characteristics, accentuating traits, underscoring attributes, spotlighting aspects, showcasing qualities, stressing elements, pointing out features, drawing attention to features, highlig... [more]

simplifies the function

streamlines the function, optimizes the function, enhances the function, refines the function, improves the function, clarifies the function, eases the function, facilitates the function, simplifies t... [more]


operational, practical, utilitarian, working, usable, serviceable, effective, efficient, useful, handy, operative, pragmatic, applicable, viable, feasible, executable, employable, purposeful, active,... [more]

transmit via radio

broadcast, air, transmit, relay, beam, send, disseminate, telecast, radiate, communicate, diffuse, spread, circulate, propagate, publicize, announce, publish, convey, emit, project, stream, webcast, p... [more]

renders invalid

invalidates, nullifies, voids, annuls, cancels, negates, disqualifies, revokes, abolishes, abrogates, rescinds, overturns, overrules, quashes, vitiates, invalids, nulls


excretive, eliminative, evacuative, secretory, purgative, diuretic, cathartic, emunctory, depurative, exudative

assume a role

take on a role, adopt a role, play a role, fill a role, step into a role, undertake a role, embrace a role, accept a role, perform a role, occupy a role, assume a position, take on a position, adopt a... [more]