9 synonym groups for Freiheit

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Synonyms on the topic Freiheit


Richtigkeit, Genauigkeit, Korrektheit, Fehlerfreiheit, Präzision, Wahrhaftigkeit, Verlässlichkeit, Stimmigkeit, Übereinstimmung, Authentizität, Gültigkeit, Rechtmäß... [more]

Removing the Barriers

Beseitigung der Hindernisse, Abbau der Barrieren, Überwindung der Hürden, Eliminierung der Einschränkungen, Aufhebung der Grenzen, Wegfall der Hemmnisse, Abschaffung der Blockaden, Behe... [more]

being at ease

relaxed, comfortable, calm, at peace, untroubled, serene, tranquil, composed, unworried, content, at rest, unperturbed, placid, easygoing, carefree, laid-back mellow, unruffled, nonchalant, self-posse... [more]

dispelling the anxieties

alleviating the worries, easing the fears, calming the concerns, soothing the anxieties, reducing the stress, mitigating the apprehensions, relieving the unease, assuaging the doubts, pacifying the ne... [more]


imprisoning, incarcerating, detaining, confining, jailing, restraining, sequestering, quarantining, interning, securing, holding, impounding, committing, remanding, taking into custody, putting away,... [more]


chaining, fettering, binding, restraining, confining, manacling, handcuffing, trammeling, tethering, yoking, hobbling, shackling


emancipating, liberating, freeing, releasing, unshackling discharging, delivering, extricating, unbinding, unchaining, unfettering, disenthralling, setting free, letting go, letting loose, unleashing,... [more]


freeing, emancipating, releasing, unshackling, unchaining, delivering, rescuing, extricating, disentangling, unbinding, untying, unfettering, unleashing, unbridling, setting free, letting go, loosing,... [more]

on top of the world

ecstatic, elated, euphoric, overjoyed, jubilant, thrilled, delighted, blissful, exultant, rapturous, in high spirits, on cloud nine, walking on air, in seventh heaven, over the moon, flying high, in a... [more]