26 synonym groups for Free

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Synonyms on the topic Free


unfastened, unbound, loosened, unknotted, unhitched, unstrapped, unbuckled, unbuttoned, unzipped, released, freed, detached, disengaged, undone, opened, slackened, unlashed, unshackled, unchained, unb... [more]


relieving, unloading, disburdening, freeing, releasing, easing, lightening, alleviating, unburdenment, discharging, exonerating, unburden


uncontrolled, unregulated, unsupervised, unmanaged, unchecked, unmonitored, unrestrained, ungoverned, uncurbed, unpoliced, unobserved, uncoordinated, unorganized, free-for-all, lawless, chaotic, disor... [more]


release, free, liberate, untie, unshackle,, emancipate,bind, unfetter disentangle, extr, unfasten,loose, unle, let go set free, loose, unman, unhandc, unyoke,hook, unbolt unlock, unbar unclip, un, uns... [more]


cheerful, happy, carefree, lighthearted, joyful, merry, jolly, buoyant, sunny, vivacious, sprightly, jaunty, breezy, gleeful, upbeat, lively, mirthful, radiant, effervescent, exuberant, jubilant, sang... [more]


fooling-around, messing-around, clowning-around, horsing-around, playing-around, fooling, joking, jesting, kidding, larking, skylarking, monkeying-around, shenanigans, tomfoolery, antics, pranking, da... [more]


independence, self-governance, self-rule, self-determination, sovereignty, freedom, self-sufficiency, self-reliance, liberty, self-direction, self-management, self-control, self-government, home rule,... [more]


uncontrolled, unchecked, unbridled, uninhibited, rampant, unrestrained, unrestricted, unconfined, uncurbed, unhampered, unimpeded, unregulated, ungoverned, wild, free, loose, unchained, unshackled, un... [more]

being unrestrained

freedom, liberty, independence, autonomy, self-determination, self-governance, self-rule, free will, license, latitude, leeway, free rein, lack of restraint, lack of inhibition, unconstraint, unbridle... [more]


releases, frees, unties, loosens, liberates, disengages, unfastens, unchains, unshackles, unclasps, detaches, separates, disconnects, unlinks, unhooks, unravels, unlaces, unknots, unlocks, unleashes,... [more]


freeloader, moocher, sponger, parasite, leech, cadger, beggar, bum, schnorrer, mendicant, panhandler, vagrant, hobo, drifter, tramp, vagabond, scrounge, scrounging, scrounges, scrounged

grinds to a halt

stops, ceases, halts, pauses, terminates, ends, concludes, discontinues, breaks, suspends, freezes, arrests, stalls, interrupts, checks, blocks, hinders, impedes, obstructs, curtails, restricts, limit... [more]


cleansed, purified, emptied, evacuated, freed, released, unblocked, unobstructed, open, vacant, void, rid, swept, wiped, erased, removed, resolved, settled, exonerated, acquitted, absolved, vindicated... [more]


loosening, unfastening, undoing, unbinding, releasing, unbuckling, unstrapping, unbuttoning, unzipping, detaching, freeing, disentangling, unsecuring, unknitting, unknotting, unravelling, unwrapping,... [more]


releasing, freeing, liberating, unchaining, unbinding, letting loose, setting free, emancipating, unshackling, unbridling, loosing, discharging, unfettering, unloosing, unfastening, uncaging, untying,... [more]