3 synonym groups for Forgetful

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Synonyms on the topic Forgetful


unaware, ignorant, heedless, unmindful, insensible, inattentive, unconscious, blind, negligent, indifferent, absentminded, forgetful, unobservant, unperceptive, unwitting, careless, thoughtless, negle... [more]

fail to bear in mind

overlook, forget, neglect, disregard, ignore, omit, miss, bypass, skip, leave out, brush aside, discount, pass over, lose sight of, be oblivious to, be unaware of, be heedless of, be inattentive to, b... [more]


lapse, oversight, forgetfulness, omission, memory lapse, mental lapse, mental slip, slip-up, blunder, error, mistake, inattention, absent-mindedness, distraction, misstep, faux pas, gaffe, miscalculat... [more]