7 synonym groups for Fokussieren

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Synonyms on the topic Fokussieren

Zeroing in on

fokussieren, konzentrieren, zielen auf, anvisieren, ausrichten auf, festlegen auf, bestimmen, eingrenzen, eingrenzen auf, herausfiltern, abstecken, festsetzen, festmachen, anpeilen, anvisieren auf, fo... [more]

poring over

studying, examining, scrutinizing, analyzing, inspecting, reviewing, investigating, perusing, contemplating, considering, pondering, reflecting, mulling over, delving into, dissecting, exploring, surv... [more]

homes in on

zeroes-in-on, focuses on, targets, aims at, directs attention to, concentrates on, pinpoints, singles out, zooms in on, locks onto, hones in on, centers on, narrows down to, zeroes in on, directs towa... [more]

putting the spotlight on

hervorheben, betonen, in den Vordergrund stellen, fokussieren, herausstellen, unterstreichen, akzentuieren, ins Rampenlicht rücken, aufmerksam machen auf, beleuchten, zur Geltung bringen, in den... [more]

taking aim

targeting, aiming, sighting, focusing, zeroing in, lining up, pointing, directing, setting sights, locking on


eye-catching, noticeable, striking, conspicuous, arresting, prominent, remarkable, impressive, standout, dazzling, showy, flashy, stunning, spectacular, dramatic, bold, vivid, brilliant, radiant, allu... [more]


focus-on, concentrate-on, zero-in-on,, aim-at,-attention-to, hone-in-on, spotlight, highlight, emphasize, pinpoint, zoom-in-on, address, attend-to, fixate-on, prioritize, single-out, spotlight-on, hom... [more]