12 synonym groups for Feuer

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Synonyms on the topic Feuer

Sets on fire

entzündet, in Brand setzt, anzündet, in Flammen setzt, entfacht, in Brand steckt, in Brand gerät, in Brand aufnimmt, in Brand bringt


flamme, loderndes Feuer, Glut, Brand, Feuer, Lichtschein, Flammenmeer, Feuerschein, Hitze, Aufleuchten, Strahlen, Funkeln, Glühen, Leuchten, Flammenschein, Feuerstrahl, Feuersäule, Licht, Gl... [more]

cheered on

angefeuert, unterstützt, bejubelt, ermutigt, gefeiert, motiviert, applaudiert, gewürdigt, hochgejubelt, bekräftigt, gelobt, ermuntert, beflügelt, aufgemuntert

set alight

entzünden, in Brand setzen, anzünden, anstecken, Flammen setzen, in stecken, entflammen, aufern, aufleuchten, erleuchten, beleuchten, aufblitzen, aufglühen, aufb, entfachen, aufheizen,... [more]

rooting for

supporting, cheering for, backing, for, encouraging, championing, siding with, promoting, favoring, endorsing, standing by, standing up for, pushing for, applauding, rallying behind, boosting, egging... [more]


encouraged, pushed, prodded, spurred, motivated, driven, prompted, goaded, incited, stimulated, impelled, urged, egged on, pressured, coaxed, hustled, nud, inspired, roused, galvanized, propelled, act... [more]


firepits, heaters, stoves, furnaces, grates, fireplaces, barbecues, burners, incinerators, kilns, ovens, roasters, warmers, cookers, cauldrons, forges, crucibles, smelters, toasters, grills, hibachis,... [more]


douses, quells, snuffs out, puts out, smothers, stifles, suppresses, annihilates, eradicates, eliminates, terminates, abates, squelches, crushes, defeats, neutralizes, wipes out, destroys, ends, finis... [more]


cremated, burned, charred, scorched, consumed, reduced to ashes, combusted, torched, immolated, singed, incinerated

artillery fire

shelling, bombardment, cannonade, barrage, salvo, fusillade, fire, gunfire, shooting, blasting, rocket fire, mortar fire, missile fire, heavy fire, gun barrage, artillery barrage, artillery shelling,... [more]


prompted, stimulated, encouraged, incited, motivated, provoked, urged, driven, inspired, pushed, goaded, impelled, activated, aroused, excited, roused, stirred, triggered, catalyzed, instigated, prodd... [more]


blaze, flash, burst, gleam, glimmer, glow, flicker, shine, spark, sparkle, flame, radiance, beam, glint, shimmer, twinkle, dazzle, effulgence, brilliance, incandescence, luminosity, phosphorescence, s... [more]