10 synonym groups for Faszination

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Synonyms on the topic Faszination

drawn to

attracted to, interested in, fascinated by, captivated by, intrigued by, enchanted by, enticed by, lured by, charmed by, beguiled by, mesmerized by, allured by, pulled towards, compelled by, drawn tow... [more]

is enchanted by

fascinated by, captivated by, charmed by, bewitched by, enchanted with, entranced by, mesmerized by, spellbound by, enthralled by, beguiled by, delighted by, enamored with, infatuated with, smitten wi... [more]

hold under one's spell

fascinate, captivate, enchant, mesmerize, bewitch, charm, enthrall, entrance, beguile, spellbind, allure, hypnotize, transfix, dazzle, grip, ensnare, rivet, magnetize, seduce, attract, enthral, ensorc... [more]

keep under one's spell

fascinate, enchant, captivate, mesmerize, charm, bewitch, enthrall, entrance, beguile, allure, hypnotize, spellbind, transfix, dazzle, grip, hold, rivet, ensnare, seduce, attract, magnetize, ensorcell... [more]


blow off, blow out, scatter, disperse, whisk away, carry away, sweep away, waft away, gust away, puff away, blow apart, blow to pieces, blow to bits, blow to smithereens, blow up, blast away, blast of... [more]


fascinations, enchantments, allurements, attractions, charms, enticements, beguilements, enthrallments, bewitchments, seductions, temptations, magnetisms, appeals, lures, spells, glamours, infatuation... [more]


anziehen, anlocken

engross oneself

immerse, absorb, engage, involve, engross, preoccupy, captivate, enthrall, fascinate, occupy, submerge, lose oneself, bury oneself, submerse, dive into, plunge into, be consumed by, be absorbed in, be... [more]


absorb, captivate, immerse, involve, engage, occupy, preoccupy, enthrall, fascinate, grip, interest, monopolize, consume, soak up, submerge, plunge into, lose oneself in, be wrapped up in, be absorbed... [more]


enchantment, fascination, captivation, spell, allure, charm, bewitchment, enthrallment, mesmerization, rapture, ecstasy, delight, trance, magic, wonder, amazement