8 synonym groups for Fangen

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Synonyms on the topic Fangen


eingesperrt, gefangen, eingeschlossen, umschlossen, inhaftiert, eingekerkert, gefangengenommen, isoliert, beschränkt, abgeriegelt, versperrt, eingekapselt, eingezäunt, in einem Käfig, g... [more]

takes on the endeavor

undertakes the task, assumes the responsibility, engages in the effort, embarks on the mission, tackles the challenge, takes up the cause, commits to the project, ventures into the undertaking, sets o... [more]


entangles, ensnares, entraps, ensnarls, embroils, involves


grabs, seizes, snatches, captures, nabs, apprehends, clutches, hooks, traps, ensnares, intercepts, nets, collars, detains, secures, takes, grips, holds, snares, entraps

receives with gratitude

appreciates, acknowledges, thanks, is grateful for, values, cherishes, welcomes, accepts, embraces, treasures, esteems, honors, respects, regards, recognizes, is thankful for, is obliged for, indebted... [more]

gets cracking

gets going, starts, begins, initiates, kicks off, launches, commences, embarks, sets in motion, gets underway, sets off, gets started, gets moving, gets rolling, gets into gear, gets to work, gets dow... [more]

set to work

begin, commence, start, initiate, embark, launch, undertake, tackle, engage, get going, get started, get underway, kick off, set about, set in motion, take up, turn to, dive in, jump in, get down to,... [more]

get started

begin, commence, initiate, embark, launch, start, set out, kick off, get going, set in motion, get underway, take the first step, dive in, jump in, make a start, get the ball rolling, break ground, ge... [more]