13 synonym groups for Familiar

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Synonyms on the topic Familiar


familiar, informed, knowledgeable, aware, conversant, cognizant, apprised, enlightened, versed, up-to-date, well-versed, in the know, clued in, au courant, abreast, in touch, up on, savvy, schooled, e... [more]

acquainted with

familiar with, aware of, knowledgeable about, informed about, versed in, cognizant of, apprised of, conversant with, up to date on, in the know about, clued in on au fait with, abreast of, well-versed... [more]


familiarize, inform, introduce, notify, apprise, enlighten, brief, instruct, educate, advise, tell, make aware, let know, bring up to date, get to know, get acquainted, accustom, habituate, orient, pr... [more]


knowledgeable, informed, well-informed, educated, enlightened, aware, conversant, familiar, proficient, skilled, adept, experienced, expert, savvy, well-versed, up-to-date, clued-up, in-the-know, erud... [more]

being acquainted with

familiar, knowledgeable, aware, informed, versed, cognizant, convers, enlightened, well-versed, experienced, proficient, skilled, adept, practiced, savvy, up-to-date, in-the-know, au courant, clued-up... [more]


familiarizing, introducing, informing, notifying, briefing, educating, enlightening, instructing, teaching, updating, apprising, orienting, presenting, revealing, disclosing, advising, alerting, schoo... [more]

becoming acquainted with

getting-to-know, familiarizing, meeting, introducing, learning-about, discovering, encountering, recognizing, identifying, understanding, comprehending, grasping, perceiving, acknowledging, realizing,... [more]


unfamiliar, inexperienced, unused, unpracticed, unseasoned, untrained, unversed, new, green, raw, novice, fresh, strange, uninitiated, unacquainted, unhabituated, unadapted, unadjusted, untried, untes... [more]

gets into the swing of things

adapts, adjusts, acclimates, gets accustomed, gets used to, settles in, finds one's feet, becomes familiar, gets the hang of, becomes comfortable, gets into the groove, gets into the rhythm, beco... [more]

becoming acquainted

getting-to-know, familiarizing, meeting, introducing, learning about, getting familiar, making acquaintance, getting introduced, getting to know each other, getting to know someone, getting to know pe... [more]


familiar, associate, contact, colleague, companion, friend, comrade, peer, chum, mate, buddy, pal, ally, confidant, cohort, consort, crony, partner, sidekick, compeer, confrere, compatriot, fellow, in... [more]


adapt, adjust, familiarize, habituate, acclimate, condition, train, inure, get used to, acculturate, accommodate, season, orient, reconcile, naturalize, conform, tailor, fit, shape, mold, attune, prim... [more]


unfamiliar, unidentified, unrecognized, obscure, mysterious, undiscovered, uncharted, unexplored, strange, alien, foreign, nameless, anonymous, unacknowledged, unheard-of, unperceived, unnoticed, unob... [more]