50 synonym groups for Expose

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Synonyms on the topic Expose

divulging the plans

revealing the plans, disclosing the plans, unveiling the plans, exposing the plans, sharing the plans, broadcasting the plans, announcing the plans, publishing the plans, uncovering the plans, making... [more]

Uncovering the undisclosed truth

revealing the hidden truth, exposing the concealed truth, unmasking the secret truth,closing the unknown truth, unveiling the undisclosed truth, bringing to light the hidden truth, uncovering the secr... [more]

bringing into the spotlight the arguments

highlighting the arguments, emphasizing the arguments, showcasing the arguments, underlining the arguments, drawing attention to the arguments, focusing on the arguments, stressing the arguments, poin... [more]

highlighting the fraud

exposing the fraud, revealing the fraud, uncovering the fraud, disclosing the fraud, unmasking the fraud, bringing the fraud to light, highlighting the fraud, bringing out the fraud, bringing the frau... [more]

bring to view

reveal, display, show, exhibit, present, unveil, disclose, expose, manifest, demonstrate, uncover, highlight, showcase, parade, air, broadcast, publish, announce, advertise, feature, introduce, flash,... [more]

brings to the spotlight

highlights, emphasizes, showcases, underscores, accentuates, brings to attention, brings to the fore, draws attention to, illuminates, points out, stresses, calls attention to, foregrounds, makes prom... [more]


unconcealed, visible, exposed, revealed, uncovered, unhidden, open, plain, clear, obvious, apparent, manifest, blatant, overt, undisguised, unmasked, transparent, bare, naked, patent, distinct, eviden... [more]


revealed, disclosed, exposed, uncovered, shown, manifested, displayed, presented, unmasked, brought to light, made public, laid bare, divulged, unwrapped, bared, unshrouded, unhidden, unsealed, unclos... [more]

discovering the scam

uncovering the fraud, exposing the scam, revealing the deception, detecting the fraud, unmasking the scam, identifying the fraud, finding the scam, disclosing the fraud, unveiling the scam, catching t... [more]

bring to view the flaws

exposing the flaws, revealing the flaws, uncovering the flaws, highlighting the flaws, pointing out the flaws, showing the flaws, disclosing the flaws, laying bare the flaws, bringing to light the fla... [more]

bringing to the surface the flaws

exposing the flaws, revealing the flaws, uncovering the flaws, highlighting the flaws, disclosing the flaws, unmasking the flaws, bringing to light the flaws, laying bare the flaws, bringing out the f... [more]


open, unlocked, exposed, revealed, uncovered, unfastened, unclosed, accessible, unlatched, unbolted, unbarred, unprotected, unwrapped, unshut, unzipped, unguarded, unmasked, unhidden, disclosed, uncon... [more]

bringing to the fore the mistakes

highlighting the mistakes, emphasizing the mistakes, underscoring the mistakes, pointing out the mistakes, drawing attention to the mistakes, spotlighting the mistakes, showcasing the mistakes, reveal... [more]

uncovering the fakery

exposing the deception, revealing the fraud, unmasking the deceit, disclosing the sham, uncovering the hoax, unveiling the trickery, detecting the falsehood, unearthing the pretense, discovering the s... [more]

bring to light the hidden truth

revealing the hidden truth, uncovering the hidden truth, exposing the hidden truth, disclosing the hidden truth, unveiling the hidden truth, unmasking the hidden truth, bringing to the surface the hid... [more]