9 synonym groups for Expectation

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Synonyms on the topic Expectation

to take for granted

assume, presume, suppose, expect, take as given, take as read, take as a given, take as a matter of course, take as self-evid, take as obvious, take as understood, take as implicit, take as a fact, ta... [more]

achieving the expected effect

achieving the desired outcome, producing the intended result, meeting the expected goal, fulfilling the anticipated effect, delivering the expected impact, attaining the desired effect, realizing the... [more]


requirements, needs, requests, expectations, stipulations, requisites, conditions, terms, prerequisites, claims, asks, calls, orders, commands, directives, instructions, imperatives, necessities, obli... [more]

is excited about

begeistert, enthusiastisch, aufgeregt, gespannt, freudig erregt, voller Vorfreude, elektrisiert, euphorisch, hingerissen, entzückt, fasziniert, leidenschaftlich, feurig, feurig begeistert, mitger... [more]

take as a foregone conclusion

assume, presume, take for granted, expect, anticipate, count on, rely on, believe, suppose, consider certain, take as given, take as read, be sure of, be certain of, be confident of, take for certain,... [more]


predictions, projections, estimates, outlooks, anticipations, expectations, prognostications, foresights, foretellings, divinations, auguries, prophecies, conjectures, speculations, surmises, guesses,... [more]

counting on

verlassen auf, vertrauen auf, bauen auf, rechnen mit, sich stützen auf, angewiesen sein auf, zählen auf, sich verlassen auf, hoffen auf, setzen auf

waiting nervously

anxious, apprehensive, jittery, tense, uneasy, on edge, agitated, restless, fidgety, worried, nervous, fretful, impatient, jumpy, skittish, keyed up, uptight, high-strung, on pins and needles, twitchy... [more]


standards, conventions, rules, guidelines, principles, criteria, benchmarks, customs, traditions, protocols, regulations, codes, practices, mores, statutes, ordinances, precepts, canons, doctrines, te... [more]