18 synonym groups for Erleichtern

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Synonyms on the topic Erleichtern

ease the difficulty

alleviate the challenge, reduce the difficulty, lessen the hardship, mitigate the struggle, simplify the task, ease the burden, lighten the load, diminish the difficulty, relieve the strain, soften th... [more]

soften the struggle

ease the struggle, alleviate the struggle, mitigate the struggle, lessen the struggle, reduce the struggle, relieve the struggle, diminish the struggle, lighten the struggle, assuage the struggle, all... [more]

lessen the misery

mildern das Elend, verringern das Leid, lindern das Unglück, reduzieren das Leiden, abschwächen die Not, mindern das Ungemach, senken das Leid, dämpfen das Elend, erleichtern das Leiden... [more]

mitigate the misery

alleviate the suffering, ease the pain, lessen the distress, reduce the hardship, diminish the anguish, relieve the torment, soften the agony, lighten the burden, assuage the grief, soothe the sorrow

lighten the hardship

ease the burden, alleviate the suffering, reduce the strain, lessen the difficulty, mitigate the hardship, relieve the stress, soften the blow, diminish the trouble, lighten the load, ease the pain, l... [more]

makes less demanding

eases, simplifies, alleviates, lightens, reduces, mitigates, lessens, softens, moderates, diminishes, relieves, facilitates, streamlines, smooths, tones down, tempers, loosens, relaxes, mellows, calms... [more]

makes less troublesome

eases, alleviates, mitigates, lessens, reduces, relieves, soothes, lightens, diminishes, softens, moderates, pacifies, mollifies, assuages, calms, smooths, simplifies, facilitates, streamlines, amelio... [more]

makes the effort easier

facilitates, simplifies, eases, streamlines, assists, aids, helps, alleviates, smooths, expedites, lightens, reduces, mitigates, supports, enhances, accelerates, boosts, improves, optimizes, advances,... [more]

Soften the Unease

ease, alleviate, mitigate, lessen, reduce, soothe, calm, assuage, relieve, diminish, allay, mollify, pacify, placate, comfort, temper, moderate, abate, quell, appease, tranquilize, lighten, cushion, s... [more]

ease the unease

alleviate, mitigate, soothe, calm, assuage, relieve, ease pacify, comfort, mollify, lessen, reduce, diminish, allay, placate, appease, tranquilize, soften, lighten, abate, quell, subdue, temper, moder... [more]


brighten, illuminate, lighten up, clarify, alleviate, ease, relieve, reduce, diminish, soften, mitigate, mollify, assuage, allay, cheer, uplift, buoy, hearten, inspire, encourage, enliven, invigorate,... [more]

soften the burden

alleviate, ease, lighten, mitigate, relieve, lessen, reduce, diminish, assuage, allay, mollify, soothe, temper, palliate, soften, cushion, moderate, attenuate, abate, decrease, slacken, extenuate, pla... [more]

reduce difficulties

alleviate, ease, mitigate, lessen, diminish, relieve, lighten, simplify, decrease, lower, abate, soften, assuage, allay, moderate, curtail, minimize, streamline, smooth, facilitate, ameliorate, temper... [more]


alleviates, soothes, mitigates, eases, relieves, calms, pacifies, mollifies, lessens, diminishes, reduces, placates, appeases, comforts, softens, abates, quells, quiets, tranquilizes, palliates, light... [more]

makes easier

facilitates, simplifies, eases, streamlines, assists, aids, helps, alleviates, expedites, smooths, accelerates, supports, lightens, reduces, mitigates, lessens, advances, promotes, enhances, boosts, i... [more]