7 synonym groups for Ergeben

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Synonyms on the topic Ergeben


underlings, assistants, aides, juniors, deputies, inferiors, minions, followers, staff, team members, employees, workers, personnel, subalterns, secondaries, subordinates


passively, submissively, compliantly, obediently, docilely,ly, acquiescently, uncomplainingly, resignedly, tamely, yielding, unassertively, unopposingly, unresisting


allegiances, loyalties, fidelities, devotions, commitments, faithfulnesses, obediences, homages, duties, pieties, attachments, adherences, constancies, dedications, respects, tributes, vassalages, ser... [more]


agrees, consents, complies, assents, concurs, accepts, yields, submits, concedes, accedes, approves, allows, grants, permits, endorses, acknowledges, recognizes, goes along, gives in, bows, obliges, o... [more]

resolve a grudge

settle a dispute, make peace, reconcile, bury the hatchet, mend fences, make amends, clear the air, patch things up, smooth things over, resolve differences, come to terms, reach an understanding, mak... [more]


pardoning, forgiving, absolving, exonerating, condoning, overlooking, acquitting, justifying, vindicating, releasing, remitting, sparing, amnestying, clearing, exempting, absolution, clemency, lenienc... [more]


send, convey, transfer, relay, communicate, dispatch, forward, deliver, pass on, broadcast, disseminate, spread, circulate, distribute, channel, beam, project, emit, radiate, propagate, carry, impart,... [more]