36 synonym groups for Entschlossenheit

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Synonyms on the topic Entschlossenheit

Hell Bent

entschlossen, verbissen, hartnäckig, unnachgiebig, fest entschlossen, zielstrebig, unbeirrbar, unerschütterlich, eisern, stur, unermüdlich, leidenschaftlich, fanatisch, unbarmherzig, ri... [more]

Be committed

engagiert sein, sich verpflichten, sich widmen, sich einsetzen,u sein, loyal sein, sich binden, sich hingeben, sich anstrengen, sich konzentrieren, sich festlegen, sich entschließen, sich anpass... [more]

be undecided about

be uncertain about, be unsure about, be in doubt about, be ambivalent about, be torn about, be conflicted about, be hesitant about, be wavering about, be irresolute about, be on the fence about, be in... [more]

takes the challenge

accepts the challenge, faces the challenge, embraces the challenge, undertakes the challenge, confronts the challenge, meets the challenge, tackles the challenge, rises to the challenge, engages with... [more]

persistent endeavors

determined efforts, relentless pursuits, unwavering attempts, steadfast efforts, tenacious endeavors, unyielding efforts, dogged pursuits, resolute attempts, tireless efforts, unrelenting endeavors, p... [more]

dogged struggles

hartnäckige Kämpfe, zähe Auseinandersetzungen, unermüdliche Anstrengungen, beharrliche Kämpfe, ausdauernde Kämpfe, unnachgiebige Kämpfe, entschlossene Kämpfe, v... [more]

holds out against

widersteht, trotzt, wehrt sich, hält stand, opponiert, widersetzt sich, verteidigt sich, kämpft gegen, setzt sich zur Wehr, leistet Widerstand, opponiert gegen, stemmt sich gegen, opponiert... [more]

responds to the challenge

rises-to-the-occasion, meets-the-challenge, takes-on-the-challenge, faces-the-challenge, tackles-the-challenge, confronts-the-challenge, addresses-the-challenge, deals-with-the-challenge, handles-the-... [more]


toughen up, toughen, tough it out, man up, get, grow a backbone, stiffen up toughen oneself, become resilient, become tougher, become stronger, build resilience, build toughness, fortify oneself, stre... [more]

lack of goal

aimlessness, purposelessness, directionlessness, indecision, uncertainty, vagueness, irresolution, unclarity, lack of direction, lack of purpose, lack of focus, lack of aim, lack of intent, lack of ob... [more]

Engaging with a big challenge

tackling-a-major-challenge, confronting-a-significant-challenge, addressing-a-large-challenge, facing-a-substantial-challenge, dealing-with-a-major-challenge, grappling-with-a-big-challenge, taking-on... [more]


hesitation, indecision, uncertainty, doubt, wavering, vacillation, reluctance, irresolution, pause, delay, faltering, dithering, tentativeness, shilly-shallying, second thoughts, misgivings, qualms, s... [more]

takes up the challenge

accepts the challenge, rises to the challenge, embraces the challenge, faces the challenge, meets the challenge, tackles the challenge, confronts the challenge, undertakes the challenge, engages with... [more]

Taking up a challenge

accepting a challenge, facing a challenge, embracing a challenge, tackling a challenge, confronting a challenge, meeting a challenge, rising to a challenge, engaging in a challenge, undertaking a chal... [more]

strives against obstacles

kämpft-gegen-Hindernisse, ringt-mit-Hür, trotzt-Widrigkeiten, überwindet-Hindernisse, stellt-sich-Herausforderungen, kämpft-gegen-Widerstände, bewältigt-Schwierigkeiten,... [more]