4 synonym groups for Entlasten

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Synonyms on the topic Entlasten

take the heat off

alleviate pressure, ease tension, relieve stress, reduce strain, lighten the load, lessen the burden, mitigate pressure, diminish stress, tension, calm the, defuse the situation, ease the burden, less... [more]

assuage the tension

ease-the-tension, alleviate-the-tension, reduce-the-tension, lessen-the-tension, mitigate-the-tension, calm-the-tension, soothe-the-tension, relieve-the-tension, diminish-the-tension, allay-the-tensio... [more]

lessen the burden

alleviate, ease, lighten, reduce, relieve, diminish, mitigate, lessen, assuage, allay, soften, decrease, abate, moderate, temper, mollify, soothe, palliate, attenuate, extenuate, slacken, weaken, decr... [more]

mitigate tensions

ease tensions, reduce tensions, alleviate tensions, lessen tensions, calm tensions, defuse tensions, diminish tensions, soothe tensions, moderate tensions, relieve tensions, pacify tensions, temper te... [more]