3 synonym groups for Durchschnittlich

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Synonyms on the topic Durchschnittlich

be below average

mediocre, subpar, inferior, second-rate, substandard, poor, lackluster, ordinary, unremarkable, undistinguished, middling, so-so, passable, fair, indifferent, run-of-the-mill, average, commonplace, pe... [more]


inferior, mediocre, subpar, low-quality, poor, shoddy, substandard, second-class, below average, average, middling, ordinary, common, run-of-the-mill, undistinguished, unremarkable, lackluster, unimpr... [more]


mediocre, average, fair, middling, passable, moderate, tolerable, unremarkable, indifferent, ordinary, run-of-the-mill, okay, acceptable, not bad, decent, satisfactory, all right, not great, not terri... [more]